All’s Fair
(A McKnight Romance, #1.5)
By: Suzie Quint
Publisher: Self-published
Published: Oct. 11, 2011
Genre: Romance
Barnes & Noble
Sol McKnight has trouble letting go of his ex-wife. If that means he has to torpedo her love life, then so be it. After all . . . All’s fair in love and war.
“What?! That’s it?!”– That is pretty much how I felt when this book ended. I will admit that I read the second book, Knight of Hearts, before reading this little snippet of Sol’s. Even so, I still enjoyed Sol’s quirkiness and his softer side since you don’t really see too much of it in “Knight of Hearts”.
The story starts out with Sol taking his daughter Eden to a carnival which just so happens to be the place that his ex-wife is currently on a date. Once he “bumps into” Georgia and her date he talks Eden into going on a ride with her mother so that he can have some one on one time with the new beau. After he works his magic, Sol has the guy running from Georgia. Which of course infuriates her once she finds out what made the guy turn tail and run from her. However, when Sol gets injured while bull riding she is put on the spot to watch over him for the night to make sure that he is okay… and the old flames start to rekindle.
I wished there was more to the story because I really like Sol’s character but I understand that it’s just a taste of what’s to come for Sol and Georgia. I cannot wait until this story is released.
The absurd things he tells Georgia’s date was pretty hilarious. And I must agree with Sol, that if someone could believe the junk that was spewing out of his mouth, then it’s best for Georgia that Sol scared him away.
“Just so you know. I still love George-Georgia. But the changes…” Sol shook his head. “They just don’t turn me on. That don’t mean I won’t get a couple of my cowboy buddies and stomp you if you hurt him… her.”