Gina Damico is the author of Croak, Scorch, and Rogue, the grim-reapers-gone-wild books of the Croak trilogy. She has also dabbled as a tour guide, transcriptionist, theater house manager, scenic artist, movie extra, office troll, retail monkey, yarn hawker and breadmonger. A native of Syracuse, New York, she now lives outside Boston with her husband, two cats, and one dog, and while she has never visited hell in person, she has spent countless waking hours at the Albany Regional Bus Terminal, which is pretty darn close.
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Interview: Hellhole by Gina Damico
Interview: Alexxxa by DT Dyllin
D.T. Dyllin is a Bestselling Author who writes both New Adult and Adult Romance. She is a member of the RWA (Romance Writers of America) and also her local chapter, the MCRW (Music City Romance Writers).
D.T. was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Black & Gold for life, baby!) She now lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and two spoiled GSDs.
Interview: Lifers by Jane Harvey-Berrick
By: Jane Harvey-Berrick
Published: Feb. 7th, 2014
Genre: New Adult Romance
After eight years in prison, twenty-four year old Jordan Kane is the man everyone loves to hate.
Forced to return to his hometown while on parole, Jordan soon learns that this small town hasn’t changed since he was sent away. He is the local pariah, shunned by everyone, including his own parents. But their hatred of him doesn’t even come close to the loathing he feels every time he looks in the mirror.
Working odd jobs for the preacher lady, Jordan bides his time before he can leave this backwards town. But can time or distance erase the pain of living?
Torrey Delaney is new in town, and certainly doesn’t behave in a way the locals believe a preacher’s daughter should. Her reputation for casual hook-ups and meaningless sex quickly spreads. And that’s on top of her budding friendship with the hardened ex-con handyman—the good Reverend is less than thrilled with her estranged daughter’s path.
As friendship forms, can two damaged people who are afraid to love take their relationship to the next level? Can Torrey live with Jordan’s demons, and can Jordan break through Torrey’s walls? With the disapproval of a small town weighing heavily on them, they struggle to find their place in the world. Can they battle the odds, or will their world be viciously shattered?
Is love a life sentence?
What is the most difficult part of the writing process for you?
Stopping. I’m an addict. I can’t wait to start in the morning and my husband has to peel me away from the computer late at night. I take breaks to eat and walk my dog. I occasionally I talk to my DH, too.
The characters become real to me. I take a notebook when I walk my dog because that can be the moment they ‘speak’ to me. I’m always getting stared at when I stand in the middle of the beach and start writing.
So I suppose the difficult bit is not getting too caught up. But isn’t that what writing is meant to do? Get you so caught up in the story that it takes you away from your own life? That happens when I read something wonderful, and I want it to happen when I write, too. I have typed through tears. For anyone who’s read ‘The Education of Caroline’, the letter that Sebastian wrote to Caro before he was sent on his final mission. And in ‘Lifers’, when Torrey is waiting in the hospital. I care about what happens to my characters. I sort of fall in love with them.
I started writing contemporary romance two years ago. Before that, I didn’t think I could write a sex scene.
Turns out I can!
My lucky number is 13 because I was born on the 13th and live near a haunted castle by the ocean. My number one past-time is watching hot surfers get changed into (and out of) their wetsuits.
My husband doesn’t read my books. My mother does.
Writing is my love, my hobby, my total addiction. All my characters are important to me and whisper their stories, even when I’ve finished writing their books. That’s why you’ll often find bonus chapters/out-takes from various books, because those voices just won’t be quiet.
Readers can find bonus chapters for several of my books on my website.

Review & Top Ten: Werewolves Be Damned by Stacey Kennedy
Werewolves Be Damned
(Magic & Mayhem, #1)
By: Stacey Kennedy
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Published: April 15, 2013
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Nexi Jones—part witch, part guardian, and wannabe kick-ass warrior—can’t throw a punch or conjure the simplest magic. But that doesn’t stop her from hunting the werewolves who slaughtered her human family. She’ll have her revenge, but only if Kyden, the elite guardian, would get the hell out of her way.
Kyden can’t decide if Nexi wants to get herself killed or if she just has no clue what she’s doing. But her father made it clear: keep Nexi safe…or else. Of course, the more Nexi runs toward revenge, the more she needs Kyden’s aid, and as she grows into her power and confidence, so does his desire to protect her. The only problem? She’d rather he dropped dead.
But when a vampire paints a bull’s-eye on Nexi’s back, she’s hard-pressed to deny Kyden and the help he’s offering. Even if it means getting her revenge will be a little bit harder. At least it will still be as sweet.
Excerpt & Interview: Time Changes Everything by Melinda Dozier
Time Changes Everything
By: Melinda Dozier
Release Date: Entranced Publishing
Published: May 13, 2013
Genre: Romance
Amanda Larson is dedicated to her job and doesn’t want to make time for anything else. Until she runs into Jake Edwards. He used to be the cute boy next door; now he’s a sexy, big shot lawyer.
Jake Edwards isn’t interested in commitment. He’s successful, sexy, and single–and that’s how he likes it. When he reconnects with Amanda, Jake realizes he might have to rethink his philosophy on the carefree, bachelor lifestyle.
But, is it too late for them? Or can he convince her that he’s ready to give her his heart?
Interview with Bethany Wiggins, author of Stung
Bethany Wiggins has always been an avid reader, but not an avid writer. She failed ninth grade English because she read novels instead of doing her homework. In high school, she sat alone at lunch and read massive hardback fantasy novels (Tad Williams and Robert Jordan anyone?). It wasn’t until the end of her senior year that the other students realized she was reading fiction–not the Bible.
Once upon a time, Bethany’s sister dared her to start writing an hour a day until she completed a novel. Bethany wrote a seven-hundred page fantasy novel that she wisely let no one read–but it taught her how to write. She is the author of SHIFTING, STUNG (April 2013), and CURED (2014).
Friday Fun & Interview
I’m super excited to be a featured blogger for this weeks Feature & Follow Friday. Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee’s View and Alison Can Read and is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers.
Question of the week:
Tell us about the most emotional scene you’ve ever read in a book – and how did you react?
Bridge of Scarlet Leaves by Kristina McMorris is a very emotional book. Yeah, there are books out there that have sad parts in them but Kristina puts the readers on an emotional roller coaster ride the entire time. It doesn’t help that the story is based off of the events that happened to the Japanese Americans after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. And that ending, good lord, I didn’t know I could bawl my eyes out so hard over a book. The second I was finished reading this book I looked up the relocation camp that the characters go to (Manzanar) and found out it’s a 5 hour drive from where I live. I haven’t been there yet, but it’s definitely on my “must list” of things to do before we move.

When did you start blogging?
I started June 2011.
Meeting all the new and awesome people to be honest. I would have never in a million years have thought that I would be able to talk with authors. I’m not going to lie, a big perk is getting to read books for free, especially ones that haven’t come out yet but for me it’s awesome to walk through a book store with the Mr. and say, “Oh, she’s really sweet”, “He’s hilarious! By far one of the coolest people out there”, and then the occasional “That author’s such a bitch. They’re the one I was telling you about that blew up at that chick over her review.”
I’m a romance junkie, which is funny since I used to make fun of those Fabio book covers when I was younger. Okay… so maybe I still do. I tend to find romance in all stories, for example, Han Solo & Princess Leia, Peter Parker & Mary Jane, and Simba & Nala. So thankfully, I can read a wide variety of books and as long as there is a potential love interest, I’m all in. However, I always give authors of all genres a chance to spread the news about their books on my site. So even though I may review YA, NA, PNR, UF etc… you will still see some other genres pop up. After all, I feel like my “job” is to share books and even though they may not be books that I’d generally read, it doesn’t mean that someone else out there wouldn’t be interested in them.
What is your favorite book(s)?
My favorite series is hands down, Vampire Academy. The ironic part about that though is that I fought my friend when she urged me to read it. I really didn’t want to read yet another vampire book. She persisted, bought the book for my birthday and not even halfway through the book I was ordering the rest of the series online.
I suppose I could say that it saved my sanity. My husband’s in the Marine Corp, so we move around quite a bit and it’s not easy forging new friendships in a new area every couple of years. So for a while there, I was on the verge of making friends with the mailman just so that I had someone to talk to. Now, between my day job at the National Park where I talk all day to visitors and then coming home and typing up reviews/posts and chatting with everyone online, I’m officially all talked out by the end of the day. And as it turns out, even though I am not inviting the mailman in for tea and cookies, both he and the UPS man know me by name and flag me down if I drive by them when they have packages on their truck for me. I guess I order too much stuff online 😛

Interview with D.T. Dyllin author of Broken Gates
D.T. Dyllin is a Bestselling Author who writes both New Adult and Adult Romance. She is a member of the RWA (Romance Writers of America) and also her local chapter, the MCRW (Music City Romance Writers).
D.T. was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Black & Gold for life, baby!) She now lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and two spoiled GSDs.