Taut: The Ford Book
(Rook & Ronin Spinoff)
By: JA Huss
Publisher: Science Future Press
Published: Jan. 18, 2014
Genre: New Adult Erotic Romance

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Ford Aston is known for many things. Being an emotionless, messed up bastard, a freakishly smart social outcast, and a cold, domineering master who keeps “pets” instead of girlfriends.
And after Rook broke his heart, he plans to keep it that way.
Ashleigh is known for nothing, and that’s exactly what she’s got going for her. She’s broke, stranded in the mountains with a three month old baby, and Ford Aston is screwing with her head.
Big. Time.
And she plans to mess with his right back.
It’s a coy game at first, filled with flirting, and innuendo–but Ford soon realizes something is not quite right with Ashleigh. In fact, something is seriously, seriously wrong and the closer they get to their final destination, the closer Ford gets to the truth.
One night of devastation, self-loathing, and emptiness turns into the best thing that ever happened to Ford Aston. But one day of in-your-face reality threatens Ashleigh’s whole existence.
This is not a spinoff that you should read without reading Rook & Ronin first. Granted, Ashleigh is a new character but Ford is not. He plays a huge role in the last book of the trilogy and his character is very complex. It’s found out in the trilogy that he has Asperger Syndrome but he still ends up developing feelings for the main character and well, I’ll just let you read the story. Trust me on this, you have to read the original trilogy before you can dive into this. I don’t care what anyone tells you. Otherwise it will be a half-ass read. And no one likes half-ass reads.
Ford has been a fascinating character since he came on the scene in the Rook & Ronin series. I was really sad when the series ended because I really wanted to know what happens to Ford. So, suffice to say that I’m extremely happy with this novel. I didn’t read the little novella that came before this (I personally don’t think it was necessary) and honestly had no idea that it existed until after I finished Taut. That was kinda just a teaser for anyone wanting more Ford. This one however is his story, his HEA, and I LOVED it.
“I trust you. But I like soft kisses. So in between the rough stuff you like, be careful with me. Give me something soft, because I really need it.”
Ashleigh was a very interesting character as well and I feel like she compliments Ford nicely. She’s a little messed up in the head as well and has her own issues. But two things are certain, she likes to be naughty when it comes to Ford and she adores her infant daughter. I never thought babies in a story could work but I could not imagine this story without Kate. Heck, without Kate, this story would probably be a 4 star review. That’s how important to the story she is.
“She smiles at me and I melt a little and pick her up. She flings her little fists around in agreement. I take her back over to the couch and sit down. She’s got her head on my shoulder, just kicking it, so I flip through channels until I get to the news.”
The second we meet Ashleigh and get a glimpse at her key chain I knew right then and there what the outcome of her story would be. I may not have known the twist and turns that Huss would take us through to get there but being in that lifestyle myself, I knew it the moment I saw it. That’s not to say that I didn’t react when the time came though because I honestly balled my eyes out. Yes, even the expected pulled an intense reaction out of me.
I swear, I could go on and on about this book. I loved everything about it but I was a bit confused by the semi-rushed ending. I didn’t understand Mr. Li’s change of heart so suddenly. I felt like maybe I was missing a page or two. However, that wasn’t enough to detract a star. I was already head over heals in love with Ford and his “team”.
“Ashleigh wants a Jedi and all I’m capable of giving her is the Sith.” -Ford
Previous reviews from Rook and Ronin

JA Huss is a SF and new adult romance junkie, has a love-hate relationship with the bad boys, and likes to write new adult books about people with real problems. She lives with her family on a small acreage farm in Colorado and has two donkeys named Paris and Nicole. Before writing fiction, she authored almost two hundred science workbooks and always has at least three works in progress. Her first new adult romance is called TRAGIC.
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