Eight long months but we crossed the finish line!


weebsYou may remember way back when to my post in June when I announced that blogging for me may be a bit sporadic due to the discovery of one of my fur-babies having lymphoma. Her doctor gave her a high chance of of beating the cancer since it was a total fluke that we’d even caught it at such an early stage. After months of treatment, my little girl is finally in remission!

We got really lucky. Not only did the vet catch the cancer before it even fully developed into something more serious, but my little girl took the chemotherapy like a champ. I’m pretty sure I took the trips to her oncologist a lot harder than she did. Thankfully, she didn’t have any of the side-effects from the treatment that some animals experience. Sure, there were days where she just wanted to be by herself and sleep, but that was it. Her side-effects were pretty much cosmetic. She lost all but one whisker and the fur by her ears thinned out a bit.

Needless to say, I’ve kind of been in celebration mode for the last week with her. She’s been getting spoiled even more so than before now. We even got her a ball pit to play in. I’m surprised the Mr. approved that idea.


I still can’t believe it’s all finally over. Eight long months of wondering if we made the right decision and whether or not the chemotherapy would even work. This news could not have come at a better time since at this same time two years ago, I unexpectedly lost my fur-baby, Snickers, to cancer. So needless to say, I really needed this good news.

I’m just so glad that Weeble’s kicked cancer’s butt and can go back to the care-free lazy days that she’s used to. 🙂



18 Thoughts on “Eight long months but we crossed the finish line!

  1. That’s wonderful news! I’m glad to hear she kicked the Cancer and is doing well!

  2. Yay! That’s great news. Theirs nothing worse than having a kitty you live so much get sick. I’m glad she beat it!

    • You are so very right, Jenny. I hate it when my babies are sick. I feel completely helpless. And with something like lymphoma, there’s really no easy or guaranteed fix.

  3. Yay for remission, that’s great news!! She looks like she enjoyed the ball pit 😀

    • :throws confetti in the air: It’s amazing news. News that I wasn’t 100% sure we’d actually get. She definitely enjoyed it… for like 10 minutes. Now it’s old news. :\ LoL

  4. Lucky lucky girl and congrats! I hope the recovery is smooth

    • Thanks! So far so good. Her appetite has been getting better. She wasn’t eating as much when going through treatment but I find myself needed to fill the bowl throughout the day which is great. She’s been a bit more active too. So I have to assume she’s back up to full speed.

  5. Great to hear! I hope to see you back in the blogosphere. I get a little giddy every time I see a post. If I could give you an award for best named blog I would. It’s so freaking clever I love it. Cheers to you and your kitty’s health!

    • Thanks 🙂 I’m slowly coming back. With being out of the loop for so long, it will take a bit to get back into the groove of things. I have a lot of catching up to do on reading.

  6. Yay! That is great news! 🙂

  7. That is amazing news!! Yay for the little one. I’m so happy for yall <3

    • Thanks, Anna. Cancer is a scary thing. I’m just so glad that we had the journey and outcome that we did. My bur-babies are my life. I love those little balls of fur.

  8. AWESOME!! It’s wonderful to hear when a fur baby recovers from something like this!

    • When the oncologist came out to tell me that everything looked good and how pleased he was, I just nodded and said, “Okay. Good.” It kind of took me a minute to process what he was saying. Then it took all I had not to start breaking out in happy tears while I cashed out.

  9. That is wonderful news!! And of course she needs extra spoiling now!!

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