Excerpt: Unforgiving by Alisic Adnan [Giveaway]

By: Alisic Adnan
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: January 2017
Genre: Young Adult

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12 years after surviving horrific massacre, 15-year- old Meho commits ruthless murders and sets in motion the event which could change the world order.

The murders are followed by the trial of the century, where media vilifies Meho as a psychopath, mass murderer, and a monster — all under the influence of FBI, who are trying to conceal the identity of the victims and protect the National Security.

The only person who believes that Meho is innocent is his 10-year-old brother Bucky, who will turn heavens and earth to free Meho. After learning the truth, Bucky is devastated, but not all things are as they seem, and the truth will be revealed at the very end.





Twenty one. That’s the number that always swirled in my mind. Twenty-one lives

I had taken; twenty-one people who no longer exist because of me; twenty-one monsters I had sent to hell. Not paradise. But hell. I’m sure of that.

I was five-years-old when I killed for the first time. I still remember the rush I felt when I pulled the trigger; the chill through my spine when I saw his head explode like a balloon; the bubbling feeling in my stomach when I saw his lifeless corpse crash down like a sawed-off pine tree.

Within the five-hundred-and thirteen days after that day, I followed that kill with twenty more. Twenty-one. I prayed to Allah there wouldn’t be any more.



Meet the author…

unforgivenauthorAfter witnessing terrible war atrocities, Adnan Alisić escaped from Bosnia and came to Phoenix, Arizona where he became a successful businessman. Entangled in a gambling addiction, he was forced to execute this sensational casino heist.






Giveaway Time!

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3 Thoughts on “Excerpt: Unforgiving by Alisic Adnan [Giveaway]

  1. Thanks for hosting today! 🙂

  2. Oh my, what an attention grabbing excerpt!

  3. The 10-yo brother has my attention. That’s quite the burden. And a murderer at 15? Are there demons involved? Supernatural Sam & Dean?

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