Finally Some Good News

I’m linking this post to Sunday Post, Mailbox Monday, and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


I did it! I pulled the plug and left the rescue organization that was causing me so much stress. I had teamed up with a local rescue group to help them start up a TNR department. However, it became apparent that the cat side of the organization was not a fan of me being part of the team. Right from the get go they took over doing TNR. From deciding on doing large TNR operations, to teaming up with a different TNR group to host TNR fundraising events, all with me finding out via a Facebook post. Let’s just say it was a lot of stress from the start with me trying to not only get my footing on starting a department from the ground up, but also trying to find a way to fit into a place where I was clearly not wanted. It took about 4 months of me trying to get funds, do grants, build up a TNR team, come up with the SOP’s and the job titles, only for the cat side of the organization to just do what they want. Finally, I decided enough was enough and threw in the towel. I’m now back to doing my own thing, and I couldn’t be happier.

Other good news, Sassy, the cat that I’ve been working with since January got her HEA. She was a TNR cat that showed up with what we thought was an infection near her eye. However, after a few months of antibiotics and steroids, it became clear that something else was going on. So, I took her to a different vet where they diagnosed her with a tumor that required not only surgery to remove the tumor, but the eye as well. Not wanting to just say “ok”, we got a second opinion and that vet said the same thing. So, after she healed from the surgery and got her stitches out, I listed her on a rehoming page and a wonderful woman reached out to me. She took Sassy in, renamed her Billie, and has sent me and my friend updates on how she’s doing.

Oh yeah, and I finished out the month by taking our first trip out here. We flew to Tokyo and let me tell you, it was both overwhelming and amazing. We went to some temples and shrines, spent a day in Chinatown and Koreantown, went to a bunch of arcades, and spent more time on the trains then I would even like to know. We got so many cool souvenirs, and a ton of amazing memories. Our favorites from the whole trip was the shrines and temples. I started a goshuincho this year and got a bunch of really cool seals from the temples and shrines that we went to. Seeing that piece of history and culture at each of the shrines/temples was just breathtaking.



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8 Thoughts on “Finally Some Good News

  1. Beautiful photos! You seem to have had a fun vacation.

    I never did TNR but I have over the past few decades saved cats from being put down in shelters and keeping them with us for pets. I once worked as a pet nanny for a person who ran a very large feral cat rescue and heard about all they did. I like to watch Furball Farm Sanctuary online and they put up very sweet videos. Watching cat videos is my equivalent of staring at a fishtank or out the window. I find it calming.

    I hope you have much success with your own TNR in the future.

  2. oh wow!!! Look at you traveling and seeing such a beautiful place and culture. I just loved all of the pictures you shared here.

  3. I’m glad you got Sassy sorted out and left all the stress behind. Love the pictures you shared of your travels. Have a great week!

  4. I hope you Unhoneymooners. I really enjoyed that book.

  5. Congrats on pulling the plug. It’s important to know when something isn’t working out. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to have that ability, so I try to make things better.

    And glad you had such a great trip. It sounds wonderful!

  6. You must be so relieved. Hope your new endeavors work out. Enjoy your current reading.

  7. Love the pictures. That Godzilla behind the theater always cracks me up. And the Gundam!

    Congrats to you for leaving a subpar situation. And that’s great hearing those success stories…

  8. I saw some of your photos on IG and wow! what an amazing place.

    I’m glad you are finding yourself in a less stressful situation and got to have some fun.

    Karen @For What It’s Worth

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