We are so happy to have historical romance author Theresa Romain, stopping by today to talk about her characters from her new regency romance novel, Season for Surrender.

Historical romance author Theresa Romain pursued an impractical education that allowed her to read everything she could get her hands on. She then worked for universities and libraries, where she got to read even more. Eventually she started writing, too. She lives with her family in the Midwest.
For more information about Theresa, check out her website.
You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook and Twitter.
The Regency Old Spice Guy
Thanks, Kristin and Marissa, for letting me join you today. I’m so glad to join the Book Sniffers today as part of my SEASON FOR SURRENDER blog tour!
SEASON FOR SURRENDER is a Regency-set historical romance about a naughty Christmas house party, a bluestocking who’s bolder than anyone suspects, and a rake who wants to be taken seriously. In other words, everyone is just a little bit more than they seem.
But the men of high society don’t know about our hero’s hidden depths. Instead, they’re delighted with the Lord Xavier they know, a man who’s always willing to make wagers with them/give them a bit of a loan/invite them to a lavish party. Much to my dismay, the phrase “man crush” is about 200 years too recent to be slotted into a Regency novel, but the concept was definitely around. There were leaders of society, whether through fashion, fortune, or influence. Xavier leads through his seemingly unshakeable confidence. He jokes and charms and puts people at their ease. And just like the Old Spice guy, women want him and men want to be him.
Well, most women want him. Louisa Oliver, the heroine, has good reason not to trust him. Shy and more comfortable with books than crowds, she’s been through a broken engagement that Xavier played a part in. She has also spent her life observing from the sides of ballrooms and the edges of conversations—and when she attends Xavier’s house party, she soon begins to suspect that she has misjudged his character. Hostility turns into an unusual friendship…and that, as you can probably guess, turns into love as these characters reveal their true selves.
As Xavier begins to transform into the man he’s always wished he could be, some of his supposed friends aren’t happy about that. When I planned out the plot of the book, I had a few questions about our Regency Old Spice guy. What happens if another man gets jealous of his success? Can a friendship end in a jilting, just like a romance? And most of all, will someone who’s always had success handed to him be able to handle a failure?
Xavier and Louisa answer these questions together, and the answers don’t come easily. But along the way, there are lots of fun as well as difficult moments for the friends and lovers in this book. Think naughty party games, an encoded book, and a proposal that’s perfect for a puzzle-loving heroine. And—since the story’s set during the Christmas season—lots of mistletoe.
Here’s one last question, and this one’s for all of you. What makes you like a hero? Does he need to be confident? Vulnerable? Some combination of the two? (Ok, that was four questions. Sorry.) Leave a comment and let me know! You can also enter through Rafflecopter for a chance at a signed copy of SEASON FOR SURRENDER, open internationally.

Season for Surrender
By: Theresa Romain
Genre: Historical RomanceGoodreads
Barnes & NobleHonor Among Rogues
Alexander Edgeware, Lord Xavier, has quite a reputation—for daring, wagering, and wickedness in all its delightful forms. But the wager before him is hardly his preferred sport: Xavier must persuade a proper young lady to attend his famously naughty Christmas house party—and stay the full, ruinous two weeks. Worse, the lady is Louisa Oliver, a doe-eyed bookworm Xavier finds quite charming. Yet to refuse the challenge is impossible—he will simply have to appoint himself Miss Oliver’s protector…Mischief Among Misses
Louisa knows her chance for a husband has passed. But she has no desire to retire into spinsterhood without enjoying a few grand adventures first. When Lord Xavier’s invitation arrives, Louisa is more intrigued than insulted. And once inside the rogues’ gallery, she just may have a thing or two to teach her gentlemen friends about daring
Hello Theresa (again) 🙂
What makes me like a hero is his behaviour towards our heroine. I don’t like a hero who is a jerk.. I like him being protective, possessive(the good kind) and of course very much in love.
Thank you for the international giveaway!
Thanks for hosting Theresa today, Kristin! 🙂
Kristin, thanks for hosting me today!
Thanks for extending the tour dates 🙂 I’m glad I could be part of it.
I usually like heros who are a bit brash and confident. It’s the confidence that attract me!
I think a hero should be both confident and vulnerable. If he’s not vulnerable, I feel like it’s not easy to relate to him. That being said, if they’re too vulnerable, it comes off as weakness in my opinion. Thanks for the giveaway.
I think any hero needs to have a tragic flaw ; loyal to a fault, over-confident, etc.. something to make him vulnerable and his choices not always so narrow.
Thanks for the giveaway, the book sounds really interesting!
I like a hero I can cheer for; that makes me believe in his connection to and with the heroine. It doesn’t matter what type he is; the rake, tortured hero, honorable hero (tho I hv to admit a particular soft spot for the honorable hero). He needs to be intrinsically good.
I like a hero that goes against his nature to express and show love, that it was within him all along and realizes that a real man can show love without being weak- society and other men sometimes makes hero feel weak for showing love.
I believe a hero should be confident, kind, protective, and strong.
This book sounds fantastic. Can’t wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.
I like my hero to have those moments where he helps someone else out– and the heroine gets to observe it from afar. Especially if that someone is helpless, i.e. a child, etc. It gives such a picture into his heart. But I like the “tough” exterior to go along with it. Congrats on your book release, Theresa!
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by! I’m really enjoying what you all look for in a hero. Sounds like a combination of strength and warmth (even if it’s hidden at first) is good news for readers? I like reading about those heroes too.
Kristia–agreed, a hero that crosses into “jerk” territory is hard to redeem!
May, you like the alphas! It’s fun to watch those confident guys fall for someone, isn’t it?
Jillyn, good point about the need for balance. It can be tricky to show that a character is vulnerable yet still strong–but I love reading those characters too.
Raphael, I think you’re right, and most romance heroes have a tragic flaw. I’d say the tragic flaw of the hero of Season for Surrender is that he cares too much about what the wrong people think of him. Will he figure it out? Well…it IS a romance with a happy ending. 🙂
Linda–absolutely. Believing in the hero’s connection with the heroine is what really makes a story work for me as a reader.
MasalaMamma, that’s a great point. Alpha heroes can be pretty closed-off, but when they open their hearts–good stuff.
Joanne, I would definitely read about a guy like that. 🙂
Christina, thanks! Great scenario–a hero that’s caught in a moment of sweetness.
I like all kinds of heroes. I prefer them alpha and tortured.
I like heroes who are a combination of confidence and vulnerability.
I like heroes that are alphas–they have confidence, are a little cocky, are intelligent, and have a sense of humor.
My heroes always have some flaw to make them human and soften the edges. Being vulnerable creates a persona that attracts women and not the kind who want to “fix” their man.
I like my heroes to be confident, but have that vulnerability that he doesn’t let anyone see. He’s able to let down his guard with the right woman, and that makes him sexy to me.
Oh I’m loving Louisa already! I like my heroes a combo of the two. I love a confidence about them but they need to have something that makes them a little vulnerable and relateable.
Thanks 🙂
I like heroes who are caring, loyal, protective and wicked!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
bn100, “alpha and tortured” makes for a great hero. Do you have a favorite? I thought right away of Christian in Flowers From the Storm–they don’t come much more tortured than that!
jmcgaugh, I’m a sucker for that combination too. 🙂
June M., the guy you describe sounds fun to read! I really enjoy a hero with a sense of humor too.
Sunnymay, good point. There’s a difference between characters appreciating vulnerability and characters wanting to fix/change each other.
Barbara E., the right woman makes all the difference, doesn’t she? 🙂
Herding Cats, glad you like Louisa! I agree, I can’t relate to perfect characters nearly so well as I can to flawed ones.
Thanks so much for stopping by, everyone. Good luck in the giveaway!