My first Bloggiesta


I’m trying something new… I’m taking part in this year’s Bloggiesta. Which I suppose is what the whole event it about; getting out of your blogging norm and accomplishing your goals. I’ve seen the twitter chats going on and always wondered what it was. I randomly stumbled on a participating blog yesterday and finally figured out what this event is. Apparently, for those who are like me and don’t know what it is, Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon where we all get together and help each other out. There will be mini challenges throughout the event that will help push you to get your blog where you want it. We will set personal blogging tasks for ourselves, but it’s also a great way to try new things with the help of other bloggers. Ever wondered how that blog does that cool blockquote thing or how they get those related posts at the bottom of each post? Well, Bloggiesta is the time to ask around and get the help you need to get the look you want, as well as being a great way to meet and chat with other bloggers. I for one am really excited to take part in this event. Sure, I comment on blogs and may chat here and there on twitter, but I’m kind of a shy person. So, taking part in something this big will be a great way for me to get out of my comfort-zone of solitude and push me to be more outgoing in the blogging community.


My goals for Bloggiesta:

  • Clean up broken links from the blogger->wp switch… from 2 years ago
  • Clean out Bloglovin feed of inactive blogs
  • Check out past mini-challenges
  • Participate in at least 2 mini challenges during Bloggiesta
  • Participate in all #Bloggiesta Twitter chats
  • Organize Goodreads TBR list
  • Delete/Archive ebooks from my devices that I’ve already read or no longer plan to read


24 Thoughts on “My first Bloggiesta

  1. I’ve seen a few bloggers participate int his event, but never participated myself, I always hear about it too late or it comes at a time when I can’t participate. Good luck with your goals and I hope you can accomplish them all!
    I also am a bit shy, but recently I’ve been participating in more reading challenges and that seems to help me interact more with other bloggers.

  2. Welcome to your first Bloggiesta! I’m pretty shy too, but for some reason it’s easier for me to talk to fellow book bloggers. Maybe because we all love the same thing, so fingers crossed you feel comfortable enough to join in! Good luck with your goals!

    Terri @ Alexia’s Books and Such…

  3. Awesome you’re joining in the festivities! Good luck and I hope you’re able to complete your list 😀

  4. Good luck! This is an awesome motivator to get things done… if only I have the time!

    P.S. I tried adding your link to my weekly BB&B, I can’t find your email though. I don’t know why the linky doesn’t work on your end. I will check that again when this week’s post goes up.

  5. Welcome to Bloggiesta! I hope you have fun and accomplish all your goals. It is a great idea to clean out Bloglovin, I may have to add that one to my list!

    • Yeah. I should probably also do that with Twitter. I know a lot of bloggers have dropped out over the years. I’m bound to have either blogs that aren’t online anymore or ones that I don’t read anymore.

  6. Just FYI, on my computer your post rolls over into the left sidebar and is unreadable. It might be part of your blogger WP switch. One of my goals is to meet as many new bloggers as possible, so I am spending today visiting as many blogs on the sign up as possible. Happy Bloggiesta!

    • Hmmm. I’ve never had it show up on my computer or laptop. Are you on your phone? Thanks for the heads up. I will have to look into it and see what’s going on.

  7. This is my first bloggiesta as well! I’m super pumped and ready to make my blog better. I have cleaning up my Bloglovin feed on my list too. Good luck and happy blogging!

    • Yay! Glad to hear I’m not the only noob on the block. I attempted the Twitter chat (was 45 mins late to the show) but I was a little overwhelmed. LoL Good luck to you as well. 🙂

  8. Welcome to Bloggiesta! Bloggiesta is my favorite event because it’s both fun and productive!

    Great list!

  9. This is a great list, Kristin. UGH I didn’t even think about updating Pinterest links and cleaning out Bloglovin. Thanks for those ideas. I can’t ever decide what to do with the ebooks I’ve read on my kindle. I feel like I’ll need the notes so I never want to delete them. Good luck on accomplishing your goals this week.

    • Yeah. When I switched from Blogger to WP all my links changed. So now I have the pleasure of going through and fixing them all. It’s been a WIP for a while now. I just keep putting it off because it’s going to be brutal.

  10. Wow! I love your list. I have heard things about the Blogger to WP link change, and I do not envy you. However, I think you can totally do it!

    • aHHH! I literally JUST finished. I spent 7 straight hours working on reformatting the old posts so that they matched everything I do now, as well as making sure the links all worked. Ugh. It was a huge pain. I cannot wait to scratch that sucker off my list.

  11. So glad you’re participating for the first time! Love it! I’m here to give some blog feedback and my first impression is that your header is a little on the big side. I love it though! 🙂 Great title too! Tabs and sidebar look great. I love that you put your favorite quotes up. I’ve pondered doing that many times. 🙂 Anyway, I hope you are having a fun Bloggiesta!

    • Thanks for the feedback. I realized after yesterday’s chat that my header was kinda big. I’m going to have to ask my friend who initially made it if she can remake a thinner one for me. I’m not tech savvy at all and when I tried re-sizing it last night it looks like a squished mess. LoL

  12. Hi! Stopping by again for some blog feedback. I agree with Suey that your header is a little big, but I think it works and I really like it! If you like it, then you should keep it. Your blog is really easy to navigate and, everything looks crisp and clean. Nice job!

    Would love some feedback on my blog if you have time? No problem if you don’t, as this is a really busy week for most of us. 🙂

    Terri @ Alexia’s Books and Such…

    • Thanks, Terri. I appreciate the feedback. I do love my header but I agree, the height could be smaller. I just need to work on getting that fixed.

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