One crazy week

I’m linking this post to Sunday Post, Stacking the Shelves, and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


I’m back home, and boy am I exhausted. Am I the only one who feels like they need a vacation after their vacation? Since we live across the country from our families, we only fly home every couple of years or so. Last week we flew home for my niece’s high school graduation. We pretty much hit the ground running. We had something going on every single day we were there. On our first day there, we went to a local baseball game and watched their Friday night fireworks. Then Saturday we went to a local racetrack (something my father loves to do when we are in town). Sunday was my niece’s graduation topped off with a Paramore concert. Monday was a relaxing day at the spa with my best friend. And those are just the main events that happened. That doesn’t count all the trips to the stores, dying my niece’s hair, having people over, and just trying to fit everything in within a week span. It was great getting to see my family and watching my niece graduate, but between you and me… I’m so glad to be home.

Since I’ve been gone, I haven’t really been doing much reading. I started reading Getting Schooled on the trip out to NY but once we landed and I had no time to read, I completely detached from the story. So I need to pick that one up and restart it. While in NY my best friend gave me a signed copy of Total Cat Mojo and I started reading that on our trip home. Needless to say, I started two books, and didn’t finish either of them.

I also didn’t take any bookish photos for Instagram while I was gone, nor did I get a chance to post any of the photos I took prior to leaving. I wasn’t joking when I said that there was no time. As it was, the little bits I was sharing on my IG stories were just snippets of what was going on while I was there. Although, I hate it when people play on their phones while out and about, so I kept my updates to a minimum.



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10 Thoughts on “One crazy week

  1. I don’t use Instagram but I do use fb quite a bit. One of these days I’ll get a cell phone and be able to use IG. lol

    Sounds like you were busy.

  2. I always seem to need a vacation after my vacation! It’s so hard sometimes not to overdo it and go go go , and in your case it sounds like you had a ton of stuff going on! Glad it was nice though. And Paramore- that sounds like a fun show. 🙂

    Total Cat Mojo looks neat.

  3. Exciting week. I thought about reading Getting Schooled and may yet get to it. Anne – Books of My Heart

  4. I almost got Getting Schooled and may yet get it. I hope you enjoyed it. Anne – Books of My Heart

  5. Wow, that made me tired just reading about everything you did on your trip, lol. I hope you had a fantastic time!

  6. Wow, it sounds like you’ve been busy. I would have needed a vacation from that vacation, too. I hope you’re able to get more reading done this week.

  7. I’m excited to see how Getting Schooled is 🙂

  8. It sounds like a great time but yeah on needing a vacation from vacation and good to be home for sure 🙂

  9. I know what you mean! You kind of need a few days to yourself once you get home!
    I’ll have to check out Emma Chase’s new book. I usually like her writing. Shame you weren’t right into it.

  10. Sounds crazy but great fun!
    My family live at the opposite end of the country to where I live now and the professors mum, brother and sister live in Ireland, so your visit home sounds awfully like ours when they happen! Crazy, packed with stuff, worth it but exhausting! lol

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