I generally try to keep my personal life a bit personal with the exception of a random tweet here or there. However, I need to come out and address something since it will be affecting the blog. I recently went from part time to full time at my job. So whereas I used to have four wonderful days to catch up on reading, I now only have one since one of my off days will consist of running errands and what not. Needless to say, my reading habits have taken a huge nose dive over the last couple of weeks. I also found out last week that my fur-baby of 18 years had cancer.
The vet didn’t give her much time which broke my heart since she’s been with me for more than half of my life. Heck, I got her when I was a little girl so we basically grew up together and moved across the US a few times together over the years. I’m lucky to have an amazing family who would drop everything and fly across the states to be with me during this time. My mom flew out on Monday and sadly, my baby passed away yesterday. My moms timing couldn’t have been more perfect since I’m dealing with all of this on my own while the Mr. is away for work. So between work, spending time with my mom and all the grieving that I’ve been doing, there hasn’t been much time for reading.
I will still keep to schedule with blog tours and spotlight posts but there may be times in between where you may not hear a peep from me for the next two weeks.
Aw I’m sorry to hear about your herd baby. That’s just never easy. Glad your mama was able to be with you!
Yeah. Having her out here helped a lot. I would’ve fallen to pieces otherwise.
What a beautiful fur baby! I’m so sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Oh I am so, so sorry about your baby! She was adorable! It is never easy to lose a baby. At least your mom was able to come be with you.
Her timing on flying out could not have been better. We had no idea how fast it was going to happen. The vet said weeks-months and all I got was a handful of days.