Review: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting

Meet Cute
by Helena Hunting
Publisher: Forever
Publication date: April 9, 2019
Genre: Romance

Talk about an embarrassing introduction. On her first day of law school, Kailyn ran—quite literally—into the actor she crushed on as a teenager, ending with him sprawled on top of her. Mortified to discover the Daxton Hughes was also a student in her class, her embarrassment over their meet-cute quickly turned into a friendship she never expected. Of course, she never saw his betrayal coming either…

Now, eight years later, Dax is in her office asking for legal advice. Despite her anger, Kailyn can’t help feeling sorry for the devastated man who just became sole guardian to his thirteen-year-old sister. But when her boss gets wind of Kailyn’s new celebrity client, there’s even more at stake than Dax’s custody issues: if she gets Dax to work at their firm, she’ll be promoted to partner.

The more time Kailyn spends with Dax and his sister, the more she starts to feel like a family, and the more she realizes the chemistry they had all those years ago is as fresh as ever. But will they be able to forgive the mistakes of the past, or will one betrayal lead to another?


Meet Cute was a great read. The cover suggests that it’s a light rom-com, but there’s some pretty heavy things that take place in this story. Between Dax’s parent’s passing away, leaving him as the guardian of his younger sister, to the aunt fighting for custody and doing everything she can to make Dax look bad, there were a lot of not so fluffy and cute moments in this story. Which I was totally okay with. In all honesty, I was worried that this would be a super light rom-com and I was in the mood for something with a little more substance, but my library book was about to expire and so I read it. I’m glad I did because I thought this was a great story.

I loved that this story started with the past, when Kailyn and Dax were in law school together. Then the author fast forwarded a handful of years before going to present time. It gave you a sense of familiarity between the two characters by giving us snippets of them in the past. It also allowed me to get a better feel for the characters and what they’ve been through before we officially meet them in their present setting.

One aspect that this story focused on was Dax’s sister, Emme. Her world got turned upside down and she had a really hard time with the reality of her parent’s passing. Normally I’m not a massive fan of kids being in the story because they tend to just be there as background noise or a way to get an “awww” or comical moment when the kid does something. However, Emme wasn’t like that. She was going through a lot and really needed someone to help pull her out of the darkness. Not to mention, she was hitting puberty age with only her older brother to turn to for advice. Kailyn was kind of her friend/role model figure when it came to navigating all of this. Not to mention, it also showed the struggles that Dax was going through with trying to be a single parent to his kid sister.

I really enjoyed this story. It was hard to put down at times and I found myself trying to get in as much reading before work as I could. Which, is super rare for me since I tend to be a bit of a zombie until about 10 minutes before I need to be out the door. I just really enjoyed the author’s writing style. She not only brought the characters to life and gave them real problems, not just some drama fueled bologna to cause waves. I connected with the characters, got a lil teary eyed when they were upset or had a touching moment, and just couldn’t seem to put the book down. I definitely need to pick up the author’s other books and give them a read.




6 Thoughts on “Review: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting

  1. This sounds good. I love it when I find a book that’s hard to put down.

  2. All I wanna know is where can I get a straw like that, please?(lol) Sounds like a great story, and so glad you really enjoyed it. Hugs, and Have a great weekend! RO

  3. sounds like some great writing and it has a cute cover
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. I’ve had this one on my TBR since I learned it existed! I’m really looking forward to reading it, and will probably check to see if our new library has a copy. 🙂 I’m happy you enjoyed it! I was expecting a light romance, a little comedy, so it’s interesting that you mentioned the heavier aspects. I’m even more curious now!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

  5. I am so happy to hear that this book worked so well for you. I have heard so many mixed reviews…..its interesting it had some deeper elements than the cover portrays. Gotta love those page turners.

  6. I heard this was a little heavier than it looked. Which is fine if I know beforehand but these covers can be deceptive.

    I’m been wanting to read this one though.

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

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