(Bad Boys of the Highlands, #1)
By: Victoria Roberts
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Published: Sept. 4, 2012
Genre: Historical Romance
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She’s on her way to safety
It’s a sign of Lady Rosalia Armstrong’s desperation that she’s seeking refuge in a place as rugged and challenging as the Scottish Highlands. She doesn’t care about hardship and discomfort, if only she can become master of her own life. Laird Ciaran MacGregor, however, is completely beyond her control…
He redefines dangerous…
Ciaran MacGregor knows it’s perilous to get embroiled with a fiery Lowland lass, especially one as headstrong as Rosalia. Having made a rash promise to escort her all the way to Glengarry, now he’s stuck with her, even though she challenges his legendary prowess at every opportunity. When temptation reaches its peak, he’ll be ready to show her who he really is…on and off the battlefield.
Lady Rosalia’s parents are almost out of money and in an attempt to replenish their pockets, they have arranged a marriage with a vial man. Lady Rosalia has stated such and has asked to marry someone for love as apposed to profit. In speaking so frank, Rosalia’s mother has had enough with her daughter and does the unthinkable, beats the living daylights out of her. Even though this is nothing new for Rosalia, this is the final straw and she quickly flees her home in an attempt to escape to family up north where she will be safe. But the beating she took proves to be too much for the long journey and before she knows it, she’s awoken surrounded by Laird Ciaran and his men. It doesn’t take long for Ciaran to realize that the poor lad they found laying in the fields is actually a lass. He takes her to his land until he can safely accompany her up north to her family, but the more time they spend together, the less likely he is to let her go.
Rosalia is a very strong characters but she has a problem with her weight. She isn’t as thin as all the other woman and she tends to dwell on that a bit and thinks that she’s not beautiful. I like the fact that the leading lady of the story wasn’t super model perfect but I did get tired of her telling other people how she wasn’t pretty. Even Ciaran makes a point of throwing her over his shoulder when she has a bout of “I’m too heavy” just to prove that she’s not as big as she thinks that she is. But then again I guess all woman have something that they would like to change on their body.
Ciaran made a vow to his dying father that he would look after his youngest brother Declan and set him on the straight and narrow. He’s somehow concocted in his head that that means that he cannot marry and have a life of his own until his brother is set on the right path. Never before has he been so pained by making that vow though. All he wants is to make Rosalia his but he can’t until Declan stops his roguish ways.
I don’t know what it is but lately I have been in a Highlander Romance mood lately and I don’t know why. Normally I am more the paranormal romance type but I guess there is just something about a guy in a kilt? Who knows. This was a great book to read.
“Lass, your eyes show me what ye are clearly thinking. I suggest ye remove your hand from my arm and your eyes from my kilt.” -Ciaran