You were a crazy year, 2018!

I can’t believe the year is already over. So much happened in 2018 that I feel like it went by really fast. This year included one of the toughest moves, mainly because it took us months to find a house. It was a very bittersweet move, too. I was sad to leave my old neighborhood because I had some pretty awesome neighbors who all pooled together to help me look for my tortoise when she busted out of her enclosure like the Kool aid man last December. Plus, the location was pretty awesome since I was far enough away from downtown to not have to deal with the chaotic traffic, but close enough that I could zip on down for lunch if I wanted to. However, I was also glad to leave and move to the Joshua Tree area because this place is familiar to me, I’ve spent almost half my life here. Due to the Mister’s job, we move around quite a bit, but we somehow always manage to end up back in this location. So, while San Diego was great, I didn’t really have any friends, a job, or a sense of purpose down there. However, here I have a great group of friends, and I pretty much immediately got my job back at the national park. So, yeah… bittersweet.

Obviously, once I got my job back, life picked up for me and I found myself being a bit more busy that I’ve been used to. I will admit that my presence on social media and the blog have slowed way down because I suck at managing time. When I get time off from work, I just want to veg out on the couch and read. So, I am hoping that with this new year I can get better about setting time aside for the blog and reconnecting with you guys again. I don’t know what the new year will bring, but I wish you all the very best and I hope that 2019 is a good one.

5 star reads from 2018

click on the covers to see my reviews

9 Thoughts on “You were a crazy year, 2018!

  1. ratmom on 2 January, 2019 at 12:15 pm said:

    I love the pictures. I hope you share more pictures of your area this year. I’m glad you were able to get your old job back. Have a great new year.

  2. Moving is hard! I can only imagine how bittersweet this move would have been for you. I have a hard time keeping up with work, life, and blogging responsibilities at times as well. I have The Kiss Quotient coming up soon so I am thrilled to see that you gave it 5 stars! Happy 2019!

  3. It sounds like a busy year! I’m always tempted to move to a desert because they’re beautiful, but I’m very bad at being hot. I get cranky. Have a great 2019!

  4. I have heard that Tara Sivec is fantastic and need to read that series since I love fairy tale retellings so much!!! And yes moving can be such a pain and hope you make lots of new friends in your new area!!!

  5. The pictures are gorgeous. I am sorry you had to move. I hope this year is awesome for you!

  6. I hope the move proves to be a good one. Time management is something i always struggle with. Working full time puts a kink in my blogging life, for sure. LOL The Kiss Quotient was so, so good. And I hope to pick up Josh & Hazel soon!

  7. I have a couple of your 5-star reads that I haven’t read yet, so I better make sure I get to those. You did have a lot going on last year. I hope this year goes well for you! And thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  8. I’ve moved around quite a bit in my lifetime, so I can totally relate, but glad you’ve moved back to a place with a great support network, and to get your old job back so quickly is cool. Glad you got in some 5 star reads and know you’re looking for more of the same in 2019. Happy New Year! RO

  9. I love those national park pics. Is that the Joshua Tree area? It looks very like some of our hiking ground in Spain!

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