Monthly Archives: July 2012

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Review: Monster in My Closet by R.L. Naquin


Monster in My Closet

(Monster Haven, #1)
By: R.L. Naquin
Publisher: Carina Press
Published: July 30, 2012
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Barnes & Noble

I stopped believing in monsters long ago. But I knew I wasn’t imagining things when I found one in my kitchen baking muffins. I’d seen him before: lurking in my closet, scaring the crap out of my five-year-old self. Turns out that was a misunderstanding, and now Maurice needs a place to stay. How could I say no?

After all, I’ve always been a magnet for the emotionally needy, and not just in my work as a wedding planner. Being able to sense the feelings of others can be a major pain. Don’t get me wrong, I like helping people—and non-people. But this ability has turned me into a gourmet feast for an incubus, a demon that feeds off emotional energy. Now, brides are dropping dead all over town, and my home has become a safe house for the supernatural. I must learn to focus my powers and defeat the demon before he snacks on another innocent woman and comes looking for the main course.

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Guest Post with L.J. Cohen author of The Between

We’ve all been sucked into a book and have been taken to another world only to be spit back out into reality. Have you ever wondered how the worlds and characters that we read about, come to be on paper? Well L.J Cohen is stopping by today to give us the skinny on her writing technique and how her characters are born.


L.J. lives in the western suburbs of Boston, MA with her husband, 2 sons, and one dog.
L.J. and her dog (Tigger) are registered as a therapy team through Caring Canines.
When she’s not reading, writing, or editing, she’s a physical therapist in a private practice.For more information about L.J. visit her website.

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Review: Shut Out by Kody Keplinger


Shut Out
By: Kody Keplinger
Publisher: Poppy
Published: Sept. 5, 2011
Genre: YA

Barnes & Noble

Most high school sports teams have rivalries with other schools. At Hamilton High, it’s a civil war: the football team versus the soccer team. And for her part,Lissa is sick of it. Her quarterback boyfriend, Randy, is always ditching her to go pick a fight with the soccer team or to prank their locker room. And on three separate occasions Randy’s car has been egged while he and Lissa were inside, making out. She is done competing with a bunch of sweaty boys for her own boyfriend’s attention

Then Lissa decides to end the rivalry once and for all: She and the other players’ girlfriends go on a hookup strike. The boys won’t get any action from them until the football and soccer teams make peace. What they don’t count on is a new sort of rivalry: an impossible girls-against-boys showdown that hinges on who will cave to their libidos first. But what Lissa never sees coming is her own sexual tension with the leader of the boys, Cash Sterling

Interview: Susannah Sandlin author of Redemption


We have the lovely Susannah Sandlin of the Penton Legacy stopping by to chat with us today.

Susannah Sandlin is an author of paranormal romance set in the Deep South, where there are always things that go bump in the night!

A longtime journalist, Susannah grew up in Alabama reading the gothic novels of Susan Howatch, and always fancied herself living in Cornwall, although she’s never actually been there. Details, details. She also read a lot of Stephen King–the combination of Howatch and King probably explains a lot. Currently a resident of Auburn, Alabama, Susannah has also lived in Illinois, Texas, California, and Louisiana.

For more information on Susannah, visit her website.

You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook.


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Review: Redemption by Susannah Sandlin


(Penton Legacy, #1)
By: Susannah Sandlin
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Published: June 12, 2012
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Barnes & Noble

For vampire Aidan Murphy, life has never been so desperate. The vaccine used to treat a global pandemic has rendered human blood deadly to his kind, leaving them on the brink of starvation and civil war. In tiny Penton, Alabama, Aidan establishes a peaceful community of vampires and unvaccinated human donors. He dares to hope they can survive until his estranged brother descends upon Penton and begins killing the humans. Determined to save his town, Aidan kidnaps an unsuspecting human doctor and finds himself falling in love for the first time in nearly four centuries. Dr. Krystal Harris thought she was coming to Penton for a job interview, but Aidan Murphy has other plans. Infuriated by his high-handed scheme to imprison her in the small town, Krys can’t ignore the attraction between them. But is it love? Or does her dangerous, charismatic captor want only to bend her to his will?

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Review: The Darkest Night by Gena Showalter

The Darkest Night

(Lords of the Underworld, #1)
By: Gina Showalter
Publisher: HQN
Published: May 3, 2008
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Barnes & Noble

His powers–inhuman
His passion–beyond immortal
All her life, Ashlyn Darrow has been tormented by voices from the past. To end the nightmare, she has come to Budapest seeking help from men rumored to have supernatural abilities, not knowing she’ll be swept into the arms of Maddox, their most dangerous member–a man trapped in a hell of his own.
Neither can resist the instant hunger that calms their torments…and ignites an irresistible passion. But every heated touch and burning kiss will edge them closer to destruction–and a soul-shattering test of love….

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Guest Post: Vanessa Morgan author of A Good Man

To celebrate the release of author Vanessa Morgan’s new paranormal thriller A GOOD MAN, she’s stopped by to give us a look at some of the music that inspired this unforgettable vampire story!

A Good Man
By: Vanessa Morgan
Genre: Paranormal Thriller


Do you like Dexter and American Psycho? Then chances are you will love A Good Man.

Louis Caron is a good man – he’s a vegetarian, feeds homeless people, takes care of animals and is converned with the ecological well-being of the planet. But his altruism has a sinister edge – he’s a vampire and local detective Taglioni becomes increasingly suspicious of him. Louis’ attempt to escape the police will take him on a journey into his own private hell where he is not only forced to confront his worst fears, but where he will also destroy the lives of those he cares about.

guest post



Wax Tailor – Fireflies

Because it mingles so well with the atmosphere of the story, I often listend to Wax Tailor’s In The Mood For Life when writing A GOOD MAN. Fireflies in particular would be a great accompaniment to the beginning – Louis seeing Nathalie for the first time on the street, then entering the bar when the more catchy part of the song starts…

Holly Golightly – My Love Is

I imagine this song playing in the background in one of the scenes where Louis is watching his neighbour, Nathalie. The lyrics summarize well what he feels for this woman, but he knows that his insecurities will prevent him from ever telling her that personally.

Vitalic – Poney

One of Vincent’s favorite songs; he often plays it in the bar where he’s DJ’ing. The song also eludes the feeling of youth that his older friend, Louis, longs for. It’s in strong contrast with the calm, often classical, music Louis listens to at home that reflects his unwillingness to take any risks.

Cinnamon Chasers – Luv Deluxe

Another one of Vincent’s favorite songs that he often plays in the bar where he works. The girl in the music video reminds him of his ex-girlfriend Céline.

Chinese Man – I’ve Got That Tune

I’ve Got That Tune would be the perfect song for when Louis comes home after his somewhat destastrous date with Martine, drinking wine alone in his apartment. Solitude, loneliness, love… It’s all there.

Wax Tailor – Seize The Day

Wax Tailor’s Seize The Day has always been the perfect song to accompany the last two scenes of A GOOD MAN. We all know that we should seize the day and enjoy the small things in life without worrying too much about the bigger picture. Unfortunately, most of us realize this when it’s too late.

Which is your favorite song/music video on this page? What do you like about it?

Screenwriter and novelist Vanessa Morgan is known as the ‘female version of Stephen King’. You can find out more about Vanessa Morgan and her work by going to her personal blog.

You can also find Vanessa on Facebook and Twitter.

Review: Maid Sama! Vol. #2 by Hiro Fukiwara


Maid Sama!

(Maid Sama!, Vol. #2)
By: Hiro Fujiwara
Publisher: TokyoPop
Published: Aug. 11, 2009
Genre: Manga

Barnes & Noble

Misaki’s troubles with Usui are far from over! His apparent feelings for her only confuse Misaki right when she most needs to be clear-headed. Two (male) distractions from a high-ranked prep school show up to complicate matters, and the school sports festival is just around the corner, too. Misaki does her best to handle everything that comes her way, but maybe it’s not so bad to have someone to rely on once in a while.

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Review: Frostbite by Richelle Mead


(Vampire Academy, #2)
By: Richelle Mead
Publisher: Razorbill
Published: April 10, 2008

Barnes & Noble

Rose loves Dimitri, Dimitri might love Tasha, and Mason would die to be with Rose…

It’s winter break at St. Vladimir’s, but Rose is feeling anything but festive. A massive Strigoi attack has put the school on high alert, and now the Academy’s crawling with Guardians—including Rose’s hard-hitting mother, Janine Hathaway. And if hand-to-hand combat with her mom wasn’t bad enough, Rose’s tutor Dimitri has his eye on someone else, her friend Mason’s got a huge crush on her, and Rose keeps getting stuck in Lissa’s head while she’s making out with her boyfriend, Christian! The Strigoi are closing in, and the Academy’s not taking any risks… This year, St. Vlad’s annual holiday ski trip is mandatory.

But the glittering winter landscape and the posh Idaho resort only create the illusion of safety. When three friends run away in an offensive move against the deadly Strigoi, Rose must join forces with Christian to rescue them. But heroism rarely comes without a price.

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Review: Sharing Hailey by Samantha Ann King

Sharing Hailey
By: Samantha Ann King
Publisher: Carina Press
Published: July 9, 2012
Genre: Erotica

Barnes & Noble

Hailey Anderson’s deep, dark secret? She’s been madly in lust with her overprotective brother’s two best friends for years. Gorgeous woodworking artist Mark Allen and sexy doctor Tony Adamo have no idea they star in her fantasies every night.

After a nasty breakup with her abusive boyfriend, Hailey’s looking for a little distance. Headed for a two-week Hawaiian vacation with her brother and his hot friends, Hailey can’t wait to feast her eyes on Mark’s and Tony’s rock-hard, ocean-slick bodies. Even if she can’t touch.

But instead of treating her like their little sister, Mark and Tony have a surprising proposition: a monogamous ménage à trois. The three of them—and no one else. Both men want Hailey and have agreed to share her. The red-hot reality is even better than the forbidden fantasy. Until Hailey’s ex threatens their newfound happiness.

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