Kristin is the girl behind the blog. She loves the smell of a new book and the sound a hardcover makes when it’s opened for the first time. She wasn’t always a reader though. Something about being forced to read stuffy books for school essays really drained the fun out of it for her. It wasn’t until recently that her love of reading was rekindled. Which was when she decided to start BSA in 2011. She realized that there were a ton of books out there that were passing her by. Books that she wouldn’t have known about if it weren’t for book blogs. Already having a food blog, Kristin decided that starting a book blog would be easy peasy… she had no idea. However, she loves interacting with other readers, bloggers, and authors. She hopes to attend one of those big fancy conventions one day. She got to attend her first big convention at the RT Booklover Convention in Las Vegas in 2016.