A week of craziness.

So, you might have noticed that I’ve gone a bit silent recently. If you follow my Instagram, then you know why, but for those of you who aren’t on Instagram I’ll fill ya in. So, The Mister and I went to San Diego last week to attend Comic-Con. Leading up to our trip, I was scrambling to get my costume in order, figure out a way to dye my hair purple, and make sure the kiddos and plants were all set-up for our time away. While, I did have a friend house sitting while we were gone, I still wanted to make sure everything was in order so that she didn’t have to worry about too much stuff. So, for the past month I’ve been a bit scatterbrained trying to get ready for the big convention.

I had planned to do a bit of blogging and social media stuff while I was down at the convention, but we pretty much hit the ground running. So much so that after the first day, I needed a day to recuperate because everything hurt and I had a splitting headache. Needless to say, I grossly underestimated my ability to hang with the big dogs. Which is why I’m just now resurfacing.

Like I said, Comic-Con was fun. I got to see Tom Cruise by pure accident. I had lost the Mister in the mass crowds and stood off to the side to send him a text to see where he was. When the people around me started screaming, I looked up and there he was, right above me, waving to the crowd. Ha! I also got to meet Rahul Kohli by pure luck. I was running to my volunteer shift when I passed him outside the hotel. I quickly looped back around towards him and quietly asked for a photo so I didn’t draw too much attention to him. That day I also got to meet Kami Garcia and Gabriel Picolo at the Raven signing. I actually came across Picolo’s artwork a couple of months ago and immediately fell in love with his rendition of Raven. I knew immediately that that was what I wanted to dress up as for the convention. Only a month later did I realize he had teamed up with a young adult author to create a graphic novel. So, I was beyond stoked to get the chance to meet him.


Due to volunteering our schedules didn’t always match up with the things we wanted to do. We didn’t make it into The Good Place panel, even though we were standing in line an hour before it started. I also didn’t get the chance to attend and of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s signings because of the way the signings were handled by the bookstore who was hosting her. You had to show up in the morning (when we’d be volunteering) in order to get a ticket to then go back later in the day for the signing. So, after carting three hardcovers (one of which was Acheron… and anyone who reads her books knows what a behemoth that book is) through the convention floor to Sherrilyn’s booth, I realized that I wasn’t able to meet her and get my books signed. However, Kuta Marler (another author who was working Sherrilyn’s booth) went into the back and had Sherrilyn sign my books while she was in the middle of an interview. I couldn’t believe it. They seemed a bit surprised and taken aback that the bookstore was making her signings a ticketed event. So, I thought for sure they’d shrug it off and tell me “oh well” (which is the general vibe at Comic-Con booths), but instead they went out of their way for a fan. I honestly still can’t believe that they did that for me. <3

Comic-Con is overwhelming, exhilarating, chaotic, exhausting, and an experience to remember for a lifetime. We’ve gotten to go for the last five years now and volunteer at the convention, but I think this may have been my favorite year. We got to experience a little bit of everything by walking the convention floor, trying for a panel, checking out the pop-up events outside the convention grounds, and not only looking at all the beautiful artwork in the art show, but I actually won a hand sculpted dragon from one of the artists (Jim Humble from Humble Studios)!


So yeah, that’s why I’ve been pretty silent lately. I’m just not good at multitasking and have been a bit distracted. However, I’m back home and ready to dive back into the blogosphere. I just need to make sure to sit down and get some reading in because I’ve exhausted all of my backup reviews. :facepalm:




6 Thoughts on “A week of craziness.

  1. Sure looks like you had a good time.

  2. Wow- looks like a blast! Congrats on the dragon- and that’s super cool about Kenyon and Marler.

    I’m on the other side of the country haha but one year I’ll get to ComicCon! 🙂

  3. OMG Kristin! I would have loved to be able to hang out with you (you look great by the way), and what fun!!! To get your books signed incognito by the great Ms. Kenyon is so fabulous, and to see Tom Cruise up close like that! Kamia and Gabriel pics – amazing! The last Comic-Con was I went to was in New York years ago, and it was a blast. Glad you had such an amazing time! Hugs, RO

  4. How fun!! I think it would be great to go to Comic-Con someday, though I’m sure I’d be really overwhelmed. LOL That’s so cool they got your books signed even though you missed the ticketed event. Super sweet. And I still LOVE that you got to meet Rahul Kohli – that is awesome.


  5. I need a nap reading this lol

    I’m glad you have fun and that’s amazing what they did getting your books signed!

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

  6. Sounds awesome! I’d love to attend Comic Con and meet Sherrilyn Kenyon… It’s so nice you managed to get your books signed! Acheron’s book would make a good weapon if you’re ever attacked while carrying it around so I’m glad it wasn’t for nothing!

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