Review: Centaur Legacy by Nancy Straight


Centaur Legacy
(Touched, #2)
By: Nancy Straight
Publisher: Self- published
Published: Nov. 22, 2012
Genre: New Adult/Paranormal Romance

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Camille and Drake are on the run from the head of the Centaur Council, seeking the mythical pasture of Thessaly and a family heirloom that may keep them safe. As their journey progresses from the rolling hills of Ireland to the snow covered forests of South Dakota, Cami learns more about her mother’s secrets, including a twin brother and a Centaur legacy that puts a death warrant on her entire family.

Camille and Drake don’t know who to trust or where to hide. Camille’s family is quick to come to her aid, but who among them can be trusted?

A supernatural benefactor forces Drake to choose between being the man he wants to be and the Centaur warrior Camille needs him to be.


I was a little nervous when I started reading this book. A good portion of the book is Drake and Cami on the run from her grandmother, whom they escaped from in the previous book. What made me nervous is the fact that I don’t do long journey type books. I get bored quickly when the main character is on a mission the entire book. However, the fact that it broke between not only both Cami and Drake’s POV but Cami’s friend Daniel and her brother Beau really helped keep my interest. Not saying that the journey that Cami and Drake take isn’t necessary to the story but I suppose I have ADD when my main character is walking/traveling for an extended length of time.

We follow Cami and Drake as they look for a magical arrow that will keep Cami safe from her grandmother and in order to find it they must find her grandmothers twin brother. So their journey starts there. We also follow Beau who has one year left until he is no longer eligible to marry a centauride thus not being able to carry on the family bloodline. You see, males have until the age of 30 to be chosen by a Centauride before they are cast away from Centaur Society. So before Beau can get the boot or become anyone’s charity case, he decides to jump ship, gives Daniel a call and heads out to San Diego. What I was most excited about was the fact that we finally learn the story behind Daniel. In the last book I kept wondering why both Daniel’s parents and Cami’s parents were freaking out over their friendship… now I know why.

Nancy did a great job writing the sequel. I had some of my questions answered and new questions arise. I liked the turn of events and the changes that she gave her characters. I didn’t see a lot of things coming and had a couple of “pick my jaw up off the floor” moments. Last time my ending question was “what is the deal with Daniel?” Now… it’s “What is the deal with Drake?!” Oh and on an ending note I would just like to ask Nancy… WHHHHHHYYYY?! Why must you end the book this way?

“That’s funny, Beau. Here I’m hangin’ out with you, hoping you’ll magically show me how to be a Centaur, and you’re with me thinking I’ll somehow turn you human. We’re a couple of losers.” -Daniel

Previous reviews from Touched
Blood Debt

One Thought on “Review: Centaur Legacy by Nancy Straight

  1. Kristin – I love, love, LOVE your review!! I bet I know which scenes made your jaw drop. 😀

    As for your question, if it had a more final ending, the book would be 1000 pages. LOL!

    Thanks so much for the fabulous review!! You are a gem!

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