Author Archives: Kristin

Review: The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons

6323104The Bronze Horseman
(The Bronze Horseman, #1)
By: Paullina Simons
Publisher: William Morrow
Published: May 22, 2001
Genre: Historical Romance

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

The golden skies, the translucent twilight, the white nights, all hold the promise of youth, of love, of eternal renewal. The war has not yet touched this city of fallen grandeur, or the lives of two sisters, Tatiana and Dasha Metanova, who share a single room in a cramped apartment with their brother and parents. Their world is turned upside down when Hitler’s armies attack Russia and begin their unstoppable blitz to Leningrad.

Yet there is light in the darkness. Tatiana meets Alexander, a brave young officer in the Red Army. Strong and self-confident, yet guarding a mysterious and troubled past, he is drawn to Tatiana—and she to him. Starvation, desperation, and fear soon grip their city during the terrible winter of the merciless German siege. Tatiana and Alexander’s impossible love threatens to tear the Metanova family apart and expose the dangerous secret Alexander so carefully protects—a secret as devastating as the war itself—as the lovers are swept up in the brutal tides that will change the world and their lives forever.


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Review: Twisted by K.A. Robinson

(Torn, #2)
By: K.A. Robinson
Publisher: Atria Publishing
Published: May 7, 2013
Genre: New Adult Romance

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

Chloe and Drake have found their happily ever after… Almost.

When Chloe’s mother comes back into her life with a bang, it sets off a chain of events no one could have ever expected.
Everyone has their demons, and Chloe and Drake’s hit them with a vengence.

Sex, drugs, money, a crazy ex, and Rock n Roll…. Can they survive it all?

Things are beginning to feel a bit… Twisted.


1thoughtsAt the end of Torn, Chloe’s abusive, negligent mother shows up at her doorstep. We find out that Chloe’s aunt is battling cancer and doesn’t have much more time left. Her aunt told her sister (Chloe’s mother) that she wouldn’t see a dime of the money thatshe’s plans on leaving her unless she brings Chloe to her before she passes away. So the story starts off with Chloe going to her Aunt’s estate to not only see her aunt one last time but to convince her not to give her mother a penny of that money. Meanwhile, Drake leaves to start the band’s summer tour and leaves Chloe behind with her dying aunt, unpredictable mother, cousin [Danny] and his best friend/Chloe’s first [Jordan]. Yes, the Drama Llama comes out in full force during this book.

I was hoping that I would enjoy this story more since Chloe and Drake are finally together and there would be no need for cheating. However, so much drama takes place that it left my head spinning. Once the whole dying aunt thing was over, then we were dealing with a jealous ex/stalker, then Drake’s “bad-boy” ways, then Jordan throwing out the “I just want you to know that I’m an option too” card, then more of Chloe’s mother and more of Drake’s issues and around and around it went. Normally, I’m all for a little drama. After all, it’s what makes a story interesting but this was seeming more like a bad episode of Jerry Springer.

One thing I did like about this story was the interaction with the band. We seemed to get a little bit more band time than we did previously. Since, after all, Chloe goes on tour with them for a little bit. I would have liked to have seen a little bit more behind the scene’s when it came to the shows instead of the bus time but that just wasn’t in the cards for this story I guess.

Even though I had issues with the cheating in the first book and the fact that this book had drama bombs blasting all over the place, I still enjoyed the ride.


1favequote“Sex is for chumps. I have popcorn.”


Previous reviews from Torn




Celebration Giveaway

bbt_celebration-gifI did it! I made the switch to WordPress and after a bunch of problems, *ahem like the other day with Bloglovin*, I got my site up and running. I’m definitely still learning all the bells and whistles that this new program has to offer (it’s like going from a PC to a MAC) but at least my baby looks like herself again. Thank you for sticking with me while I worked things out. I’m sure there were times that you logged in and weren’t quite sure where the internet had dropped you off at. However, I’m finally back to normal and am happy with the switch. So in celebration, I’m doing a YOU CHOOSE GIVEAWAY! That’s right! I pooled together all of my giveaway books and I’m letting the winner choose which book they’d like to take home. I’m also throwing in not only some BSA swag, but swag that I’ve received from authors. Now here’s the fun part…  I will guarantee that you walk away with something signed. Some of the books are signed and some of the swag is signed. If you choose a book that isn’t signed, I will choose a swag item that is. Sound fair? Oh and one other thing this giveaway is…


Yup, I’m so thrilled right now over everything that I don’t care where you live, I will ship it to you! I am extremely grateful to all my followers and I really appreciate you sticking with me.
Now, onto the good stuff!

GIVEAWAYYes, my pup photobombed the picture. He didn’t want to move either.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Leave a comment with where you live. I’d love to know where everyone is from.

Guest Post: Ask For It by Selena Blake

askforit5Ask For It
By: Selena Blake
Publisher: Ecila Media Corp
Published:June 27, 2013
Genre:Erotic Contemporary Romance

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

Trevor Wyatt has lusted for journalist JJ Fairchild since before he retired from the NFL. Now she’s back in his life and he’s not going to miss the opportunity to show her just how good they could be together.
Words may be JJ’s tool of trade, but when it comes to the bedroom, words escape her. Trevor’s an excellent teacher and before she knows it, she’s asking for what she wants.
But when outside forces threaten to expose dark secrets from Trevor’s past, can he overcome his suspicions and trust the woman in his bed?



guest post

When I’m reading a really good book, I always find myself wondering how the author came up with the characters. Maybe it’s because I’m a writer. But really… who doesn’t want to know how Chris Merit, Acheron or Wrath came about?

So here’s how Trevor Wyatt (ASK FOR IT, Ecila Media) was developed.

The idea for the story came to me because like JJ, I’d had money stolen from my bank account to buy shoes. So when JJ goes in to investigate the store where her money was used, there’s this tall, golden god behind the counter. He’s big and strong and muscley and well…everything you could lust over in a guy.

Did I mention the muscle defining T-shirt and well worn jeans that fit just right?

Yeah. That type of guy.

And the second he turned around and looked at JJ, she recognized him. That was shock number one for me. Sometimes we authors stumble upon happy accidents.

Shock number two: he’s a former football player. Let’s just say, I’m not up on my football stars so where that came from, who knows. But the chemistry was sizzling.

JJ wasn’t about to forget what brought her to the shoe store in the first place. Actually, she does. I mean, who can remember her own name when a guy like Trevor is staring back at her. But they get into a bit of a disagreement which only heightens the tension between them.

So that was the beginning of Trevor Wyatt. Just a quick glimpse of the man behind the shoe store counter and before I knew it, I had a full, live hero on my hands. He’s handsome, tough, sweet, and he’s got a past. A pretty rough past, if I do say so. He was always named Trevor, although, he originally had a different last name. And he’s more, so much more, than a pretty face.

Most importantly, he’s just the man JJ has always needed. *swoon*

Which romance hero (any author) would you love to know the origin of?


authorSelena Blake writes erotic paranormal and contemporary romance. First published in 2008, her series Stormy Weather has been on the best seller lists and nominated for awards.  She’s a fan of action movies, Diet Coke, Milky Way bars and thunderstorms, not necessarily in that order.

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Review: Untamed by Jane Shoup

By: Jane Shoup
Publisher: Diversion Books
Published: Aug. 6, 2013
Genre: Historical Romance

Goodreads | Amazon

A love too strong to be tamed: the true story of Tarzan, and the woman who loved him.

In 1908, on a mission to find a new breed of ape in central Africa, an unfathomable thing is discovered – a wild, white man, living amongst gorillas. Local villagers call him matokeo ya utafutaji kwa, the untamed one.

Joining the team of hunters and trackers searching for matokeo ya utafutaji kwa is Arianna Day, the 21-year-old niece of the expedition’s leader. She catches the untamed one’s eye and, believing she is meant for him, he takes her captive and claims her for his own, body and soul.

When Arianna is rescued, the untamed one is captured, and they are sent their separate ways: the wild man to learn language and social skills he’d long forgotten, Arianna back home to England to try to fit back into her old life. A promising marriage proposal awaits, but thoughts of the untamed one haunts her.

Amidst the backdrop of London in the summer of 1908, as the Olympic Games are hosted and the Franko-British Exhibition is held, the now-civilized wild man returns home, with his original name restored: Sebastian or ‘Zan’ Shaffer. He and Arianna are drawn together again only to be ripped apart by social convention and Marshall Derringer, the man determined to have her as his wife. But Zan is not the only one with an untamed heart…


1thoughtsAri and her uncle travel to Africa in hopes that they will be able to locate the wild man who’s been living in the jungle for the majority of his life. The only problem is, they have no idea that the second they stepped into the jungle, the wild one was watching them… Ari to be precise.

I was extremely excited to read this story. I’ve never read a re-telling of Tarzan before and this story sounded like a good one. You see, they capture the wild one, teach him how to be civilized and introduce him back into society as Zan. The only thing that Zan wants though is Ari but Ari is engaged to be married to another man.

There were way too many points of view in this story for me and there wasn’t always a definite break between them. So I found myself getting confused quite a bit when the POV would switch to a secondary or sometimes even more distant character. It would jump like this between chapters with no markings that the POV had changed. I also felt that all the POVs weren’t necessary. I would have much preferred just Zan and Ari’s POV with a little bit of Ari’s fiance mixed in. There was also a lot of scenes that were drawn out or not necessary. I found myself skimming over quite a bit of the story to get back to the important parts that were taking place.

I really enjoyed the beginning of the book when they find him in the jungle. The first encounter between Ari and Zan is so “untamed” and animal instinct driven that it’s hard to not get sucked into the rawness of it. I mean you figure he’s only known the way of animals so he lacks the understanding or the wrongness of what he does when it comes to Ari.

“She felt sore but not hurt. She’d been forced but did not feel abused. She did not hate him. She didn’t even fear him. He simply wanted her.”

It got me really excited for the upcoming story because surely it had to get better than that! But like I said a lot of the middle was boring talk and way too many POV’s to keep track of who I was reading from, that I lost interest for a while there. I wish the author had kept that same rawness throughout more of the story before it turned to Zan “the gentleman”.


1favequote“I’m sorry you feel impatient. Naturally, you should analyze precisely what that means and handle it accordingly.” -Ari


Review: Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones

9565045Second Grave on the Left
(Charley Davidson #2)
By: Darynda Jones
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Published: Aug. 16, 2011
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository

When Charley is rudely awakened in the middle of the night by her best friend who tells her to get dressed quickly and tosses clothes out of the closet at her, she can’t help but wonder what Cookie’s up to. Leather scrunch boots with a floral miniskirt? Together? Seriously? Cookie explains that a friend of hers named Mimi disappeared five days earlier and that she just got a text from her setting up a meet at a coffee shop downtown. They show up at the coffee shop, but no Mimi. But Charley finds a message on the bathroom wall. Mimi left a clue, a woman’s name. Mimi’s husband explains that his wife had been acting strange since she found out an old friend of hers from high school had been found murdered a couple weeks prior. The same woman Mimi had named in her message.

Meanwhile, Reyes Alexander Farrow (otherwise known as the Son of Satan. Yes. Literally) has left his corporeal body and is haunting Charley. He’s left his body because he’s being tortured by demons who want to lure Charley closer. But Reyes can’t let that happen. Because if the demons get to Charley, they’ll have a portal to heaven. And if they have a portal to heaven…well, let’s just say it wouldn’t be pretty. Can Charley handle hot nights with Reyes and even hotter days tracking down a missing woman? Will Cookie ever get a true fashion sense? And is there enough coffee and chocolate in the world to fuel them as they do?


1thoughtsCharlie is the grim reaper, the portal to heaven, she can communicate with the deceased, she is a private investigator during the day, oh yeah and she is in love with Reyes, who just so happens to be the son of Satan.

In the second intallment of Charley’s story we are taken on another one of Charley’s P.I. jobs. Her best friend/neighbor/assistant, Cookie, finds out that her friend has gone missing and Charley takes the case to figure out where her friend Mimi has gone. However, things start looking bad when Mimi’s old classmates start turning up dead and Charley has to figure out what the connection is before time runs out.

Reyes also makes a bunch of appearances as well but he’s in his incorporeal form. Charley finds out that after his escape from prison, he was captured by demons and is now being tortured by them. Reyes refuses to tell Charley where his body is because he feels that it’s a trap and that the demons are really after her. After all, if they get Charley, they get the portal into Heaven. However, his body can only take so much before it dies and neither of them know what will happen if Reyes were to perish.

Again, Darynda has done a great job writing an entertaining story that will have the readers laughing and on the edge of their seat until the very last page. Even though Reyes is the son of Satan and he threatens Charley a lot, you sort of don’t hate the guy for it. As a young boy he was kidnapped by a cruel man who tortured and beat him. Not only that but you add the fact that for centuries he was a General in his father’s (Satan) army, what do you really expect? Not only are the characters developed well but the story flows beautifully. Everything that is written has a purpose and is never lacking in entertainment. I will definitely be keeping up with this series. I cannot wait to see what crazy adventure Charley goes on next. Not only that but I really want to know more about Reyes.


1favequote“I’m an excellent liar. Ask my dentist. He swears I floss regularly.” -Charley


Previous reviews from Charley Davidson
First Grave on the Right


Review: Grasping at Eternity by Karen Amanda Hooper

13505141Grasping at Eternity
(Kindrily, #1)
By: Karen Amanda Hooper
Publisher: Starry Sky Publishing
Published:May 25, 2012
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Leave it to Maryah Woodsen to break the one rule that will screw up eternity: Never erase your memories.

Before entering this life, Maryah did the unthinkable—she erased. Now, at seventeen years old, she’s clueless that her new adoptive family has known her for centuries, that they are perpetually reincarnated souls, and that they have supernatural abilities. Oh, and she’s supposed to love (not despise) Nathan, the green-eyed daredevil who saved her life.

Nathan is convinced his family’s plan to spark Maryah’s memory is hopeless, but his love for her is undying. After spending (and remembering) so many lifetimes together, being around an empty version of his soulmate is heart shattering. He hates acting like a stalker, but has no choice because the evil outcast who murdered Maryah in their last lifetime is still after her.

While Maryah’s hunter inches closer, she and Nathan make assumptions and hide secrets that rip them further apart. Maryah has to believe in the magic within her, Nathan must have faith in the power of their love, and both need to grasp onto the truth before they lose each other forever—and discover just how lonely eternity can be.


One thing you should know about me before I start my review is that, I do not like “soul-mate” books. Just saying “soul-mate” sends off alarms in my head. However, I kept going back to this book because not only did it sound good but the second book sounds amazing. So I sucked it up and gave this book a go. I’m glad I did because I thoroughly enjoyed it, soul-mates and all.

The majority of the book is about Maryah stumbling around her new life with her Godmother after Maryah’s family is murdered. She has to not only adjust to a new family but a new school as well. She has no idea that she is a reincarnated soul who not only had a soul-mate but gave up everything to erase her memory when she last past away to start her life fresh of memories instead of remember past lives. This may not seem like a horrible thing but when she erased, she not only lost her memories for Nathaniel and her other kindrily (reincarnated family) but she also lost her power that made her who she was.

Nathaniel was an interesting character. He does a lot of careless things in the book and tries to keep his distance from Maryah as much as he can. He’s hurt by the fact that she would erase him from her memories. He’s lost without her and doesn’t know how to cope with the new reality that his soul-mate is no longer his. It was nice that the book is written in both Maryah’s and Nathaniel’s pov because otherwise the reader would view him as a huge jerk with a split personality disorder but with reading parts in his pov, you get to understand what he’s going through.

Throughout the book, the author hints at monumental things in the story that are later brought up in the book. So if you pay careful attention to everything that happens, you can figure out what’s going to happen early on. I was not paying close enough attention. HaHa. I knew that the pieces I was reading had significance but I didn’t start to piece it together until I was closer to the end of the story. A lot of this story is character and story development. It isn’t until about three quarters of the way through that pieces start to slowly come together.

I’m really glad that there is a sequel because I feel like we’re just starting to scratch the surface of this story. Not to mention the tearjerker ending that I will admit, I did not see coming. I loved that Karen added that in there. You’ll know what I’m talking about when you read it.

I may not be a soul-mate person but Karen did such an amazing job with this story that I didn’t even notice. I cannot wait to continue the Kindrily series and find out what happens next with the group.


1favequote“Even a broken clock shows the correct time twice a day.”



Excerpt: Claiming Her Warriors by Savannah Stuart

Claiming Her Warriors Tour Badge

CHWsmClaiming Her Warriors
By: Savannah Stuart
Publisher: Self-Published
Published: July 22, 2013
Genre: Erotic Romance

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

 Two brothers want to possess her…

After her planet was destroyed, Brianna was rescued by two fierce and desperately gorgeous warrior brothers. Aeron and Hauk. They want to keep her, protect her, mate her. But what the brothers wanted from her was too much to handle. Settling into a new culture was hard enough without dealing with the custom that dictates she mate with two males. So she pushed them away.

They’ll do anything to protect her…

An attack sends Brianna back into the arms of the sexy brothers. Now they’ll do whatever it takes to win her over. But can Brianna go against the conventions of her human nature and accept both warriors as her mates? It might not matter because someone is out for blood and it’s up to Aeron and Hauk to defend her against a deadly enemy.



Aeron let out a low growl, his expression one of approval as he covered her lips with his. This was what he’d been waiting for from Brianna for what felt like forever. The petite woman had been driving him insane from the moment he and his warriors had rescued her from her dying planet. She’d been wearing rags and covered in soot, but nothing had been able to hide her outer or inner beauty. Even though she was a tiny thing, she’d been so damn protective of those around her, ready to battle any one of his men until it had been clear they’d been there to help. Yeah, he’d known the moment he’d laid eyes on the redhead that she would be his.

It had taken a hell of a lot longer than he’d imagined to bed her, but once he’d gotten her underneath him, he’d figured things were perfect. Until he’d screwed things up by opening his big mouth. He was slowly learning that he couldn’t make any assumptions with human women. They were more emotional than his people.

As she started grinding against him, he couldn’t bite back a growl of need. His cock ached to slide inside her wet heat. After having a taste of her, he knew once would never be enough. Aeron slid his hands down and bunched the long shift dress she wore up to her thighs. It clung to her curves in all the right places but right now he wanted it off her. When he’d first met her group of women, she’d worn what she called cargo pants and T-shirts. He preferred the shifts. Easier to slip off.

Taking the time to savor the softness of her skin, he slid his hands up her thighs. She trembled and arched her back, silently begging him to move faster. And beg she would. He couldn’t erase the memory of her hot demands and pleading words when he’d teased her before. She wasn’t shy about what she wanted, something he loved about her. He could feel her hard nipples rubbing against his chest even through the material of her clothes. Though he wasn’t ready to fuck just yet, he needed to see her naked body.

Slowly, he pulled the shift up and over her head, but once her hands were free, he drew her arms behind her back. Using the material, he quickly bound her wrists together. Her dark eyes widened and her breathing grew more erratic as she watched him. He could see the molten desire burning in her expression as she silently begged for more. Oh yeah, she liked what he was doing.

“You trust me?” he asked before nipping her bottom lip between his teeth.

She nodded, the pulse point in her neck going crazy.

Right now he didn’t trust himself to go slow if she was roving her hands all over him. It had been too long. Just the way she watched him with clear hunger was enough to make him crazed. Add in her actual touch…he shuddered. He wanted to bring her pleasure, for right now to be solely about her. Aeron was going to make sure she was so addicted to him that she’d never think about leaving. He’d ease her into mating with him and his brother. Somewhere deep he didn’t even want to admit existed, part of him didn’t like the thought of anyone else touching this woman. Even his brother. It was primal, so he shoved it back down. Right now, he was the one holding her.



Katie Reus ColorAuthor Savannah Stuart has been reading romance for as long as she can remember. Her stories often have a touch of intrigue, suspense, or the paranormal, but the one thing she always includes is a happy ending. She currently lives in the South within walking distance of the beach with her very own real life hero. In addition to writing (and reading of course!) she loves traveling with her husband.

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Review: Falling Hard by Megan Sparks

17888623Falling Hard
(Roller Girls , #1)
By: Megan Sparks
Publisher: Capstone Press
Published: July 1, 2013
Genre: Contemp. Young Adult

When Annie moves from London to a small town in the midwest, she struggles to fit in. She gets off to a bad start when she makes an enemy of her school’s queen bee, Kelsey. But she discovers a new passion, the exciting sport of roller derby, and makes friends with the cool and quirky girls on her team, the Liberty Belles. She also meets Jesse, the friendly boy who works at the roller rink, and Tyler, a cute, all-American sports star.


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Sunday Wrap-Up #22 San Diego Comic-Con Edition

Sunday Wrap-Up is all about sharing the books and book related items that I’ve picked up recently. I also recap what went on last week and let you in on what’s coming up. I link up my post to Sunday Post, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged, Showcase Sunday, Stacking the Shelves and IMM. 
This week I will be doing something different. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you may have notice my posts about SDCC. To make a long story short, the Mr. was able to snag a re-sale ticket but the only ones available were senior or military and apparently being a spouse of a military member did not count. So I was unable to go but the Mr. was able to go and his first Comic-Con experience was a success. Below I will be showcasing some of the cool things he got while there.

By: Gayle Middleton, Amanda Coronado (Illustrations), Dave Dwonch (Editor)
Genre: Graphic Novel
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

Teenager Destiny Harper is at a crossroads in her life. Graduation is coming and she has zero prospects for the future. Answering an ad for the Night Care Nursery seems like a great idea, until she is magically transported to Gloomvania, where dark creatures lurk in the streets, and the world is being mysteriously overrun by baby vampires called Vamplets! Can Destiny serve her term as governess of the Nightmare Nursery and return home? Fairy tales get a modern update in this coming-of-age tale of monsters, mayhem, and magic.

The Mr. couldn’t find the area where they were signing the covers for these so I didn’t get the special cover signature. Wah Waaaaah


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
#6 2013 Con Edition
By: Heather Nuhfer, Amy Mebberson (Illustrations), Bobby Curnow (Editor)
Genre: Graphic Novel

After a nightmare-filled slumber party, Rarity has been whisked away to the moon by dark, unknown forces! Now the ponies, along with Princess Celestia and Luna, prepare a plan to get her back!




The Amazing Spider Man
Vol. 1 #344
By: David Michelinie (Author), Erik Larsen (Illustrator)
Genre: Comic Book/Graphic Novel

As Spidey takes photos of a Sapirdyne Chemicals warehouse operation shipping legal cocaine-processing additives to South America, Cardiac breaks in, attempting to disrupt the drug trade by destroying the building. When Spidey stops him. Cardiac strikes back and escapes. Justin Hammer, secretly Sapirdyne’s majority shareholder, learns of the raid and calls in Rhino to protect his interests. At Ryker’s Island Prison, Eddie Brock’s psychotic serial killer cellmate Cletus Kasady sees a dark figure at their top-floor cell window but it disappears when he investigates. Meanwhile, Cardiac infiltrates the Sapirdyne Chemical plant where the waiting Rhino batters him. Spidey, investigating Sapirdyne. intercedes, saving Cardiac. When Rhino uses live wires to shock Spidey into submission, Cardiac returns the favor. With Spidey still recovering, however. Cardiac releases flammable chemicals that flow toward the live wires. The three combatants escape before the building explodes. Hammer learns of Cardiac’s attack, noticing that Spidey wants to stop him as well. He decides to put the web-slinger on the payroll.


If you watch Robot Chicken there is an episode with My Little Pony where there’s a pony named “Death Pony”. (By far one of their best episodes in my p.o) So when the Mr. saw Carrie, she’s a Skelanimal, he knew I’d love it… and I do!




The most amazing part of all… the Venom guitar!
I told the Mr. that I really wanted this guitar. They only made 100 of them. It was an awesome design and there was a slight chance that Stan Lee &/or Todd McFarlane signed it. However, when they signed the guitars, they put them in a box. So when you bought the guitar, you didn’t know if the one you chose was signed or not until you opened the boxP1120178 and looked inside. The Mr. called me after Comic-con to tell me that Todd McFarlane signed it. It wasn’t until he came home and I opened the box that we realized that it was ALSO signed by Stan Lee.