Stopping by on her book tour we have Laura Kaye, author of Her Forbidden Hero joining us today. She’s stopping by to answer some questions about her new book and is also giving one lucky reader a chance to win an e-copy of Her Forbidden Hero!
Voted Breakout Author of the Year in the 2011 GraveTells Readers’ Choice Awards, Laura is the bestselling and award-winning author of over a half-dozen books in paranormal, contemporary and erotic romance. Hearts in Darkness is the EPIC eBook Award Winner for Best Novella and HOLT Medallion Award of Merit Winner for Best Romance Novella, Forever Freed is the NJRW Golden Leaf Winner for Best Paranormal of 2011 and is a finalist for two GDRWA Booksellers’ Best Awards, and North of Need, the first book in the Hearts of the Anemoi series, is a finalist for a FF&P PRISM award, was named GraveTells’ Best Book of 2011 and won their 5-STAR Gold Heart Award, and won Sizzling Hot Read of the Year at Sizzling Hot Books. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.
For more information about Laura check out her website.

I have been a military wife for 7 years now and there is no question that Marco is a soldier when you read this book. Is Marco perhaps inspired by someone that you know who serves/served in the military?
Thanks so much for hosting me here! And great question! I’m civilian, but I work for the Navy, so I think I have a good feel for the way men like Marco operate. But I also did a lot of research on the Special Forces, Afghanistan, medical discharges, and head injuries—all with the hopes of doing justice to his character. So your comment means a lot! Plus, Marco was the first thing about this story to come to me—last summer, I started having the image of a damaged man sitting in the near dark struggling to play the guitar. He wouldn’t leave me alone after that. And I’m so glad!
How did you come up with the storyline for Her Forbidden Hero?
After Marco came to me, he started telling me what his story was. This is the way stories usually do come to me—first with a character, and that character fills in the story for me. The rest comes when I start writing, and it’s not unusual for things to happen while I’m writing that I didn’t at all expect. I did know right from the beginning that Alyssa was Marco’s best friend’s little sister. And I knew that the three of them grew up together.
What was the hardest part of writing Her Forbidden Hero?
Torturing Marco. LOL I’m not very good about being mean to my characters. I always want them to be happy and find their happily ever after. So it was hard to keep Marco in that emotionally damaged place for so long. It was also challenging to write the scenes in which he didn’t always do or say the right thing, but I felt those moments were true to the confusion, pain and longing that he felt.
If you could only use 5 words to describe Her Forbidden Hero, what would they be?
Heartfelt, Sexual Tension, Relatable, Compelling
Are you currently working on another novel? If so, can you tell us a little bit about it?
Yes! I am writing a follow-on story to Her Forbidden Hero that will feature Brady Scott, the heroine’s brother in HFH, in his own story. *grins* Brady has some issues of his own…
I know that this is going to be a tough one but here at Book Sniffers Anonymous we like to end our reviews with a favorite part or quote. So I’ve got to ask, what was your favorite quote/part?
My favorite scene is where Marco lays down next to Alyssa while she’s sunbathing in his backyard and takes his hand. Man, that single act just slays him, and it actually brought me to tears while I was writing.
My favorite quote from the book is this:
He braced his hands on the wall above her shoulders and towered over her, six-foot-three-inches of pissed-off versus five-foot-four-inches of turned-on.
Check out my review for Her Forbidden Hero.
Thanks so much for hosting me here today!
You’re welcome. Thanks for allowing me to read HFH and offering one of our readers a chance to read it as well.
You’re killing me here Laura. I have got to read this. All the excerpts and now that favorite quote of yours – DAMN!
LOL Victoria! Do it! 😀
This book looks really promising. I hope I win. Thanks for the giveaway.