Goodbye 2013!


2013 has come and gone and it has been one very busy year. I went to my first book signing and attended my first book convention where I got to meet some awesome authors. I’d like to thank all my readers for sticking with me. Who knows what this year will bring but I’m sure it’ll be amazing.


Pictured below is D.T. Dyllin and Gina Damico.

dara rnc Gina 

This year I set a goal to read 225 books. I wound up surpassing that goal which is amazing in itself.

Maybe next year I’ll shoot for 250.2013booksI won’t go into detail about all the books I loved. However, I did link the image above to the goodreads 2013 shelf. Pretty much all of them have reviews but not all of them have been featured on the blog. One thing I am hoping for in 2014 is to branch out of my comfort zone (romance) and try reading other types of books.


3 Thoughts on “Goodbye 2013!

  1. Woowww! Over 225? That’s insane and amazing! Hopefully you’ll be able to reach 250 next year. Good luck with 2014 and happy new year!

  2. Awesome year! I had a lot of blog firsts last year too and I’m hoping for bigger and better things to come my way this year.

    Cheers to more fantastic reads!

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