I was interviewed by NetGalley!



If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Tsu you may have seen a post last week about me being interviewed by NetGalley. Well, yesterday the post went up on their blog and I am so excited about it. I have no idea how they found out about little ol’ me but I’m not questioning it. I’m so honored that Tarah from NetGalley tracked me down and asked me if I’d be interested in being interviewed for their site. This was such an honor and I’m not going to lie, it was extremely cool seeing my name and blog in their newsletter when the interview went live. Okay, okay. I’m well aware that I’m rambling now. So without further ado, here is the link to the interview.

Interview link: http://blog.netgalley.com/blogger-spotlight-teens-ya/


7 Thoughts on “I was interviewed by NetGalley!

  1. That’s awesome! I get excited enough when I get an approval for a NetGalley book. I would be dancing around the house with a silly look on my face if I got that sort of recognition!

  2. Very cool! Congrats. I will head over and read the interview. Gotta love Netgalley. 😀

    • I love when you two talk about book sniffing! lol

      • LoL I have a t-shirt made with my logo on it and I’ve have people just randomly blurt out they sniff books. I’ve gotten it from TSA at the airport, a waitress, even just a random person standing in front of me in line at hotel check-in. I think that was my favorite because it started this huge discussion that other people jumped in on about ebooks versus physical copies.

  3. Extremely cool, Kristin!! What an honor!! I was actually on Netgalley browsing around when I saw it. I was like, hey!! I follow that blog!!! LOL.

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress

    • HaHa. That’s pretty cool. I didn’t know they were going to put it on the NetGalley Dashboard or in their newsletter. I thought it would just be on their blog. So I was really surprised when not only did I get an email with me in it but when I logged into NetGalley there it was again. It is such a huge honor. Thanks for following my blog 🙂

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