Review: Fallenmore by Lucy Swing

(Feathermore #2)
By: Lucy Swing
Publisher: Self-pub
Published: July 31, 2012
Genre: YA

Barnes & Noble

When darkness consumes you; will it be hard to find the light?

After Jade’s world was torn apart, she is unsure of where she belongs, if anywhere at all. Deceived by those she trusted the most, she must now accept her fate and the life that lays before her. The voices are back but this time, they are trying to lure her into the darkness. But could they be telling her the truth? That the only person she has been able to trust since the death of her boyfriend, Avan, is lying to her too? If the voices are right… Could she really trust him?

In Fallenmore, the second book in the Feathermore Trilogy, Jade will embark in a quest through the pits of Hell. The question now is: once she is in, will they ever let her out?

After what happened in Feathermore, Blake is now living with Jade in hopes of keeping her from falling. However, she’s now hearing a new voice in her head that is telling her that Blake is lying to her. She is still hurting over what happened to Avan and with the new voice in her head, she is more confused than ever.

I liked getting a closer look at Blake. He makes a brief appearance in Feathermore and that was enough to peak my interest. So I was glad that we get to spend a lot of time with him. With him living with Jade and watching over her, he is in the story a lot. He cooks her breakfast, trains with her and is always there when she is in trouble. But no matter what he does for her and how he treats her she is still hung up over her “boyfriend” who she still loves. Or would that be ex-boyfriend due to his current situation? You all know that I made my feelings known about Avan, in my review of Feathermore. I didn’t really care for him at all and was not sad to see him go. But Jade makes it hard for you to forget about him with her insistent babbling about her “boyfriend” and how she must save him.

It’s a great continuation of the story and I liked that new characters were introduced. We also take a trip to a secluded island and the depths of hell, which were both fascinating to read. I can’t wait to see how the story ends. We’ve only one book left!


“One hand flew to my mouth, and the other to my stomach. Whether, it was a fallen angel, a demon, or whatever the thing was, that was still a goddamned finger. In a grill. My grill. The one my Dad used to barbeque on ever Sunday afternoon. Damn Blake is he ever tried, or had the audacity to even think for a second, to cook anything in that thing again.”


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