Review: High School Debut by Kazune Kawahara

High School Debut
(Vol. #1)
By: Kazune Kawahara
Publisher: Viz Media
Published: Jan. 1, 2008
Genre: Manga

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When Haruna Nagashima was in junior high her life consisted of playing softball and reading comics. But now that she’s going to high school, Haruna decides to put all of her energy towards getting a boyfriend and having the high school romance of a lifetime. To help in her quest, she enlists cute upperclassman Yoh Komiyama to coach her as she eschews her jock tendencies and turns herself into the kind of girl who can catch a guy. Yoh agrees, with one catch: Haruna had better not fall for him!


Haruna’s just started high school and she’s looking for fall in love. Up until this point she’s put all her focus in softball but now she wants a change. She enlists the help of Yoh to help her become more attractive in the hopes of finding a boyfriend.

Haruna has some really bad fashion sense. She wears clothes that are totally wrong for her muscular body and is really awkward around the opposite sex. So suffice to say, Yoh has his work cut out for him. He was once very popular, but that popularity also alienated him.

This is the beginning of the story and it doesn’t really progress too far. Yoh’s helping her find her own look which is proving to be difficult with Haruna’s sense of style. It’s looking like it will be cute story. I also like the artwork and find the characters to be distinguishable (which I sometimes have a problem with when it comes to Manga). This is definitely a cutsey manga that I look forward to reading more of.




One Thought on “Review: High School Debut by Kazune Kawahara

  1. This sounds like so much fun! Adding it to my TBR 🙂

    Sugar & Snark

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