Review: Shadow Kissed by Rebecca L. Garcia

Shadow Kissed
(Marked by Blood #1)
by Rebecca L. Garcia
Publisher: Self-published
Publication date: March 16, 2022
Genre: New Adult Fantasy

Some fates belong to the shadows…

Olivia knows everyone at the guild is on high alert, but no one will tell her why. She’s certain the death of her boyfriend is behind it, but the truth is far worse. Darkness has come to the mortal kingdom. When the guild protecting them is attacked by vampires, Olivia is swept away from the safety of her home when her mom and best friend are taken.

Before she can get away, she’s captured by a vampire, Sebastian, who insists he’s protecting her. But when she’s taken to the City of Nightmares, the most dangerous place in the vampire kingdom she realizes she’s been made prisoner.

As she fights to survive in a world where mortals are nothing more than things to be fed on or traded, Olivia must use her wits and place her trust in the handsome, but deadly Sebastian, if she’s going to figure out a way to save her loved ones.

However, some of the world’s most vicious vampires want her dead. Others want her for themselves.

When the truth comes out, Olivia realizes the ones she loves have been shielding her from a fate worse than death. Can she escape the clutches of her bloody destiny, or will she succumb to the shadows?


Olivia is the daughter of a great sorceress. While she doesn’t exhibit any powers, she is still protected because of what she is. She’s hidden deep within the guild, surrounded by those sworn and bound to protect both her and her mother. However, when an army of vampires break into the guild, causing death and havoc, Olivia finds herself in the arms of a young vampire who is set out to use her for his own gain. With no where to go, and no one to trust, she bides her time in the hopes of reuniting with her mother and best friend.

This was a very interesting story. I liked that the vampires have wings, that there are two very distinct vampire groups, the bad and the not so bad. A lot of reviews talked about a slow burn romance, but I never really saw much of a romance. There was one steamy scene in a public setting and that was it. You never really knew if either party had feelings for the other. So, I wouldn’t really call this a romance. It’s more like a royalty fantasy since vampires have this hierarchy of kings and queens. Which is still pretty cool if you ask me.

With that being said, I do wish that the author went into a bit more explanation. I just didn’t feel as immersed as I would like to be. I would have liked to have had more description on the locations, the people, and just the overall feel of the world the author was creating. I felt like a lot was left up to the readers imagination. I would have liked to have seen the world the author created be a bit more fleshed out for readers.

Shadow Kissed is a good fantasy read with a spin on your classic vampire. There’s a lot of scheming taking place and you never know who to trust. It’s one of those stories where things could change at the drop of a hat, altering the course of everything. I really liked that the reader was always kept on their toes the entire time. It does end on a bit of a cliffhanger, but nothing too dramatic. So, if you are a hater of cliffhanger, like I am, this isn’t one that will leave you raging. It was well done to leave you wanting more without being exasperated.


One Thought on “Review: Shadow Kissed by Rebecca L. Garcia

  1. I do like a good vampire story but I like the romance to be forefront. And then the bit of a cliffhanger is another problem for me. But maybe if I already had the next book it wouldn’t be too bad.

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