Thomas’ Heart
(Judgement of the Six Companion Series #4)
by Melissa Haag
Publisher: Self-published
Publication date: Nov. 22, 2016
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Thomas’ race is dying. To protect those left, the Elders create a safe haven. However, the safety of their sanctuary is threatened by the cause of their kind’s decline. A human. But, she’s not like the rest; and despite his hatred of humans, Thomas wants her for his own. When females start dying while trying to reach safety, Thomas realizes it’s no longer just humans who pose a threat, but desperate males. Thomas must secure his place at Charlene’s side as leader of sanctuary, or everything they’ve worked together to build will crumble, and any hope of a future for Thomas’s race will die.
This story goes more into the past and how Sanctuary was created. We see what life was life before Charlene came along and helped the wolves change for the better. She was the first human female to mate with a wolf shifter. She helped Thomas change the others minds when it came to how to survive. She gave mated pairs, families, and all wolves a safe place to stay. This story kind of sets up all the other books and explains how far they’ve come, and how much they have to lose.
I will be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to this story. I had known Thomas and Charlene as an older, established couple. I didn’t really want to read their story of how they came to be because they already were in the last few books. I underestimated how important their story is to tell and why it had to be told. In the previous books you’re just given this world and you accept it. However, in this installment, you go back and see how this world came to be and why it is so important for everyone.
I think taking a break from the series before diving into this book helped me to reset my views on Thomas and Charlene. I was able to dive in with no preconceived notions, and enjoyed it a lot more because of that. I didn’t picture Charlene and Thomas as some old couple anymore, but instead as a vibrant young pair trying to figure everything out. You witness their struggles with a growing pack, the resistance from other wolves who don’t like the idea of leaving as a human, to the unity and family Thomas ends up with as a result from all of his hard work. This was a really good story.
Thomas’ Heart might not have been the story I wanted, but it was the story I needed. I needed to know how Sanctuary came to be. I needed to know how difficult it was to become what they were today. I needed to know the dangers that lie ahead. Without this back information, I wouldn’t be able to fully grasp what’s going on, and why everyone is in such big danger. This is a great series to read if you’re interested in a shifter story. I recommend reading the companion novels (the male’s POV) if you want more of a shifter story. I tried reading the original (female’s POV) story, but was a little bored with all the mundane stuff. 😉
Previous reviews from the Judgement of the Six Companion Series
Clay’s Hope
Emmitt’s Treasure
Luke’s Dream
sometimes some distance between novels is a good thing. glad it paid off for you
sherry @ fundinmental