Review: With You by Nashoda Rose

18812737With You
(Tears Asunder, # 0.5)
By: Nashoda Rose
Publisher: Self-Published
Published: Dec. 20, 2013
Genre: New Adult Romance

Goodreads | Amazon

Sculpt is an illegal fighter.

He’s also the lead singer of a local rock band.

No one knows his real name.

And from the moment I met him, he made me forget mine.

In order to convince Sculpt to give me self-defense lessons, I had to follow his one rule—no complaining or he’d walk. I didn’t think it would be a problem. I could handle a few bruises. What I hadn’t anticipated was landing on my back with Sculpt on top of me and my entire body burning up for him.

I tried to ignore it.

I failed of course. And having a hot, tattooed badass on top of me week after week, acting completely immune to what he was doing to my body—it was frustrating as hell, so I broke his rule—I complained.

Then he kissed me.


1thoughtsAfter being attacked, Emily has decided to enlist the help of Sculpt. An illegal fighter who makes his living in underground fights. She wants him to teach her how to fight in case she’s ever attacked again. Pretty soon they find themselves building a relationship. A relationship that will change both of their lives.

This is a short story that gives the reader information on what happened leading up to Torn From You. I feel that this is a must to read only because you get how sugary sweet their romance is and how in love with each other they are. So when Torn From You rolls around you are just as confused by the events that take place as Emily is.

Aside from needing the background information on these two, the story is pretty basic. A virgin falls in love with a mega Alpha male. Then once he falls in love with her he turns into this sappy guy. I wish he’d have been a little more hardcore to be honest. It’s still a must read if you’re going to read Torn From You.


1favequote“Seriously, the guy was too attractive for his own good. The tinsel on his left arm glared at me as if I was going to steal her Christmas tree. I wanted to stick my tongue out at her, because, really, I was no competition for her. Sculpt obviously likes rail-thin, legs-to-the-ceiling, make-up-heavy chicks, and I was… well, not.”


One Thought on “Review: With You by Nashoda Rose

  1. I still need to get back and read this one. I read Torn From You and whewboy. The early parts of it. Gah. I was ready to do some serious damage on him.

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