Tag Archives: Martha Carr

Sneak Peek Wednesday: The Peabrain’s Idea by Martha Carr

The Peabrain’s Idea
(The Peabrain Adventures #1)
by Martha Carr
Publisher: Self-published
Publication date: April 11, 2019
Genre: Fantasy

Find the compass, save the world or save herself?

For Austin robbery detective Maggie Parker, dating is harder than running down a felon, even if the guy is worth it – just ask Jake. Now add in magic.

When she finds someone breaking into her garage, stealing a favorite wooden puzzle box everything changes. Did she just see a compass fly?

Can she learn how to use the magic of bubbles to chart a new course in time? The mechanics may hold the answer.

Her new quest: Rescue the passengers on an ancient ship – a big blue marble called Earth – and save herself.

Recover the compass, find the other Elementals and help decide Earth’s fate.

Simple? It’s a lot harder than it sounds. And there’s that fourth date…


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