Since 2012 is coming to a close, I would like the opportunity to thank all of our readers both old and new who’ve kept tabs on us throughout the year. I’ve met a lot of awesome people this year (you know who you are) and I look forward to creating more bonds in 2013 (gosh that’s weird to type). I know a lot of blogs are going over their favorite books and what they are excited to read in the year to come but I’d like to do a montage of all the books that I’ve had the pleasure of reading this year.
This year had a lot of changes. I lost a reviewer for a while there, then gained a new one. The site not only got a new look but a custom logo with lime green in it. Oh and the most exciting part, I had bags and shirts made!

I hope that everyone has a safe New Year’s Eve and a very happy New Year! Without further ado, here’s a list of all the books, both good and bad, that I’ve read this year.

Some great books there. Some I’ve read, some from series I want to start and some I haven’t heard off. Glad you had such a great year. I love your bags and t-shirts 🙂 Best of luck for another fantastic blogging year
I just LOVE all of the manga in there. Skip Beat is wonderful!