To a Year of Self Healing

I’m linking this post to Sunday Post, Mailbox Monday, and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


A new month, a new year, and a lot to digest. Let’s dig in.

This past year was probably one of my most challenging yet. I thought the crazy anxiety I had in 2020 was bad, but I’d almost rather have that then the health issues I went through this last year. I won’t get into specifics, but let’s just say that I’ve been struggling a lot both mentally and physically. However, the last stint at the ER resulted in them drawing 20 vials of blood to test. So, I’m hoping that I can get some answers, and relief soon.

With everything considered, I haven’t been reading as much as I would like. I just don’t have the drive or the concentration for it. There are a lot of good sounding books out there, but I just can’t seem to sit down to read them. I suppose if we are making resolutions, to read more would be one of them.

We found out that we will be staying in Japan longer than we originally thought we would be. So, the last couple of weeks have been this weird nesting period for me. I’m not used to living in the same house for so long that I have decided to start my own garden, and put actual work into the house to make it my own.

To go along with that, I’ve decided to go into school to become a clinical pet nutritionist and to open up my own fresh pet food business while we are in Japan. There are very limited fresh options for pet food. It’s either kibble or canned food. I’ve been making my own pets food since arriving on island, and never once thought that other people might be interested in it until recently. So, this year will bring some new challenges for me while I navigate running my own business.

I’m not one to make resolutions. I feel like they are a something that you feel obligated to make, and that you very rarely keep. However, this year I am striving to get my health on track, be kinder to myself, and focus on my own self-care.


Books read in 2023



For Review



Currently Reading

10 Thoughts on “To a Year of Self Healing

  1. I’m sorry 2023 was such a hard year for you both physically and mentally. I hope the doctors can find some answers so you can get back to enjoying life more.

  2. I hope this year is a better one for you. best of luck with your new business!

  3. Hopefully you can get the answers you need in relation to your health! Good luck with your business idea too!

  4. I am sorry that you are having a difficult time, but something that has always helped me with my anxiety is to remember that each day is a new day, you can’t do anything about yesterday, and you can’t do anything about tomorrow all you can do is today. Also, Today is a learning experience, something you learn today, will help you down the road. I didn’t realize that Elle Kennedy started writing more of her Off-Campus series. I’ll have to check it out. Remember you are not alone and keep reading.

  5. Good luck with the pet endeavor. Sounds like a healthy option is much needed. Also looks like you read some great book in 2023! Hope you have a better 2024.

  6. I hope you feel better soon and get some answers. Good luck with the garden and pet food!

  7. It is hard to struggle with long time health issues. Here’s wishing (with prayers) for a better 2024 for you. And lots of Happy Reading.
    I have been feeding my dogs Farmer’s Dog food since the summer. They really like the fresher foods. Good luck with getting your business going.

  8. I hope you get answers to your health issue soon.
    Good luck with your business venture!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  9. Sorry last year was a struggle for you.

    Hope these books help some.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

  10. I’m (super) late to this post. Your 2023 sounds a lot like mine. I hope 2024 goes better.

    Pet nutrition is a booming business. I consulted with one for my dog a few years ago.

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