Sneak Peek Wednesday: Zephyr’s Curse by Zelda Knight

Zephyr’s Curse
(The Grimoire Chronicles 0.5)
by Zelda Knight
Publisher: AURELIA LEO
Publication date: Dec. 31, 2019
Genre: Urban Fantasy

When Zephyr enters an ancient tomb in search of scrap metal, she doesn’t anticipate igniting a cosmic war. She’s stolen the key to a rare grimoire, The Book of Alabaza the Brave. The hordes of demons chasing her want it back. If she’s to survive, she must rely on Ezekiel, a member of a supernatural clan of guardians called the Thrones. The only problem is she belongs to the demonic caste, and Ezekiel was sent to slay her.



Sneak Peek

Ezekiel motioned towards a gateway adorned with the skulls of giants. A shiver ran down Zephyr’s spine. She curled her wings around herself for protection. Looking at the bones feels like a hex, she thought absently.Embedded in the eye sockets of two of the three skulls were runes. She walked up to the gateway, doing her best not to gag at the stench of decay. Squatting to inspect the ground, Zephyr reasoned one of the runes was missing. There were only three realms, after all, Nightshade, Fae, and Human. The magic radiating from the runes matched that of the gateway. Zephyr glanced at the hilt of the ascended’s broadsword. On the hilt, a gem reflected what little light there was inside of the cave.

There’s no doubt it’s the rune he seeks. That’s the only way he could’ve pierced The Veil. So why is he asking me if I stole it? It doesn’t make any sense!

Lost in her thoughts, Zephyr didn’t notice Ezekiel approaching until it was too late.

“So?” Ezekiel boomed impatiently, mere inches away. She squawked in terror and leaped to her feet. Spinning around, Zephyr gulped as the guardian sheathed his sword and stepped forward in one fluid motion. Before she could step back, he lifted her chin upward, the palm of his hand resting on her throat. It’s calloused… I always expected the highborn to be smooth all over.

“S-so. I don’t know. I didn’t borrow a rune. I borrowed—”

“Stole.” He cut her off.

“Borrowed a key!” She snapped. Zephyr realized her mistake when a smug grin crept across Ezekiel’s handsome face.

“Hmp. For a demon, you are a fool.” His gleaming rows of perfectly straight teeth were begging to be knocked out. Zephyr believed he was her guardian angel. Now, she knew he was worse than an ogre!

Ezekiel bent forward, and his breath ghosted against Zephyr’s skin. Something ethereal and sweet replaced the familiar smell of decay. With a curious expression, Ezekiel cupped her wounded cheek, thumb resting on her chapped lips. He murmured something too low to hear, but it sounded like an incantation to Zephyr’s untrained ears. She shut her eyes tight with a grimace. She didn’t want to see whatever he was summoning to obliterate her. To Zephyr’s astonishment, her cuts and bruises began evaporating, leaving behind a faint translucent aura.

“You…healed me?” She asked dumbfounded.

He shrugged, “Naturally. I am ascended, not your neighborhood troll. Besides, you possess the key. Where is the grimoire of Alabaza the Brave?”




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3 Thoughts on “Sneak Peek Wednesday: Zephyr’s Curse by Zelda Knight

  1. I don’t read too many urban fantasies, but I like the cover a lot. Hope your day is amazing!

  2. That sneak peek was good. I’m interested in what happens now.

  3. That sounds like a supernatural ride. Sounds good to me and I like the cover.

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