Spring has sprung!

I’m linking this post to Sunday Post, and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


It’s finally spring and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind winter, but if I’m being completely honest, I’ve been dying to see what kinds of plants the nurseries in my area will be getting in. Not to mention, I tried ordering plants over the winter months and one arrived so in shock that I could do nothing but watch it die a horrible and sad death. I also won a gift card to an Etsy plant shop that has been burning a whole in my pocket since DECEMBER! Yeah, I know. I have problems. Trust me, you wouldn’t be the first one to tell me I have a plant obsession.

In other news, I finally got back into reading! It’s been so long since I’ve wanted to sit down and read. I have just been having a hard time focusing and I just wasn’t feeling it. It didn’t help that I was picking up a lot of mediocre books. None of them seemed to wow me or really draw me in. However, there have been a couple of series that I used to read many moons ago, that I’ve lost touch with, and I’ve recently been catching up on them. Now I’m requesting books on Netgalley, accepting review requests, and picking up stacks of books from the library. I’m really hoping that my reading mojo is fully back because I got a little nervous there as I watched my long list of back-up reviews dwindle down to just a few.



New arrivals for review

Thank you, Sourcebooks Casablanca, Everafter Romance, Gallery Books, and Berkley Romance for these amazing books!


Read last month


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15 Thoughts on “Spring has sprung!

  1. I love that you have a plant obsession. My favorites are Ferns only because I can not kill them and the year before mine were full and beautiful. Glad to hear you are back to reading. Being in a reading funk is the worst. I have not read Dark Hunter series and Lords Of The Underworld series in ages. Have fallen so behind in those series. Your Instagram photos are beautiful.

    • I only own one fern, a maidenhair and she hates me. LoL Even though I have humidifiers going in my house, my house is still too dry for them. They are beautiful, but desert life just isn’t for them. Although, I’m tempted to try the crocodile fern. That one looks like it would be more hardy.

  2. I would love to be plant obsessed but I tend to kill the plants I get so I end up getting fake ones now. lol

    • That’s how I used to be for the longest time. I couldn’t even keep a spider plant alive, and everyone claims that that is hard to kill. I think my problem was that I over-loved them… and I didn’t fully do my research. I just assumed all plants liked water and sunlight, not fully understanding that there were varying degrees of what each plant can tolerate. LoL

  3. Yay glad your reading mojo seems to be coming back! I went through a slump recently and didn’t feel like reading ANYTHING. It was so annoying lol.

    Love those pics- especially the turtle!

    • Yup. That was pretty much me the last handful of months. It was like pulling teeth for me to sit down and read. I was starting to get a little worried that I would have to take a break from blogging because I just wasn’t feeling it anymore.

  4. I’m the same way. I can’t wait to start digging in the dirt and putting in new plants! I hope you find some great reads to put a spark back in your reading mojo:)

    • I’m trying to keep my plant obsession indoors or at least in planters because we only plan on being in this area for a couple more years before the Mister’s job relocates us to a new office. I would love to have a desert oasis outside though.

  5. Sadly I have a black thumb, even my plastic plants shrivel 😉

    Have a great reading week 🙂

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out- MY POST

  6. Kathy Martin on 8 April, 2019 at 9:59 am said:

    I like looking at plants – from a distance. Any closeups are likely to make my eyes water and nose clog up. Nice looking bunch of books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. Yay for plants! Where we live now the soil is awful. But sometime I’d like to do some raised beds for a few things. I used to have a big garden back in the midwest.

    Great book haul! Enjoy them!

    Here is my Sunday Post   

  8. My grandma has an amazing garden and an amazing green thumb. I on the other hand can’t keep plants alive at all. I was also lucky enough to get Fumbled and I want you back! I hope you enjoy both of them.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  9. Aw poor plant! It is fun seeing what shows up in the shops. I keep stopping by ours to see. lol Yay for getting back into reading! Hope the books this week are fun 🙂

  10. I love your post. I wish I was more green fingered – I buy plants and then the poor things have to fend for themselves! Lol! Great selection of books too.

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