Well that was fun!

I’m linking this post to Sunday Post, Stacking the Shelves, and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


The move is finally over and we are settling into the new place. Gah! Let me just say, this move was brutal. Between not finding a house until literally four days before the movers came, to having our vehicle break down on us twice… this was not an easy move for us. This move has been an ongoing struggle for the last two and a half months and I’m just so glad to finally be done with it. I actually got a chance to sit down this week and read three books! I still can’t believe that I haven’t read anything in over a month prior to that. I have a lot of catching up to do. Thank you to everyone who stopped by while I was gone and sticking with me during this crazy time. It’s great to be back online and I can’t wait to see what new books everyone has gotten, and what you all have been reading recently. I need to add some new pretties to my Goodreads list. πŸ˜‰



New arrivals

Thank you Hyperion for the review copy of My Almost Flawless Tokyo Dream Life!

Rebel HeirΒ  , Alphas: Origins, and Once Upon a Highland Christmas are all library books.

Black Bird of the Gallows and Fighting for Everything were both on sale this week for 99 cents.



Recently read

One Perfect KissΒ  I love romances with pets in them. However, this latest installment by Jaci Burton just didn’t do it for me. It was an enjoyable read, but it was missing some sort of spark to really make it pop and stand out.

Rebel HeirΒ  was another book that I thought I was love, but found myself sort of glossing over. It’s your typical bad boy boss romance. Nothing new or fresh to it and it seemed like the authors added drama and twists in the story just for shock value.

Alphas: Origins was perhaps better than I thought it would be. It has mixed reviews online, and I’m not a huge fan of the duos Kate Daniels series (I know! Please don’t hate me!).Β  However, I found the concept to be unique and while it is similar to other story lines, it also felt completely different from other series I’ve read.




Currently reading



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14 Thoughts on “Well that was fun!

  1. StackingMy BookShelves on 26 August, 2018 at 9:06 am said:

    I love your book photos. So cute with the turtle. Looks like some great books. I would love to read Jaci Burton and Lecia Cornwall. I love the covers of those. Have a wonderful week!


  2. Yay for settling in and getting to read! I am glad all of that is behind you!

  3. ratmom on 26 August, 2018 at 9:58 am said:

    Glad you are all moved. Moving sucks.

  4. Romance with pets is pretty much the only romance i read. I keep meaning to try the Burton books. Congrats on getting moved – I agree, it does suck.

  5. Congrats on the move! Glad it all worked out even with the stress and issues. Must be a good feeling to be settled in. πŸ™‚

    Total Cat Mojo looks like a book I need to read!

  6. I hadn’t heard of the Alphas Origin book, Hmmm

    Moves are a pita lol

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

  7. Kathy Martin on 27 August, 2018 at 8:40 am said:

    I got sidetracked when I saw Alpha: Origins because I am a fan of Ilona Andrews. When I saw it was originally part of an anthology which contained work by other favorite authors, I checked my LibraryThing to see that it said I already had it. But I can’t find it. So back to Amazon to buy a used copy and now I wait… Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  8. Congrats on moving! We want to move but I dread having to pack everything and move it. I almost just want to take the family, a couple things and my books and leave everything else behind lol.

    Hoping things settle down more for you and I need to check out Black Bird of the Gallows, you are the third person I saw with it on their TBR. πŸ™‚

    Have a great week, Kristin! Happy Reading! πŸ™‚

  9. I’m glad the move is over. That sounds hellish. Enjoy your new books!

  10. bookwormbrandee on 27 August, 2018 at 2:54 pm said:

    I love all your photos, Kristin, and it looks like some good reads came your way. Sorry Rebel Heir wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. But I’m super happy you’re moved in – maybe now things will slow down and smooth out. πŸ™‚

  11. I’m glad you are getting settled in. See what I read this month at Girl Who Reads

  12. Sarah Sammis on 27 August, 2018 at 6:52 pm said:

    Nice selection of books. My weekly updates

  13. Moving sucks, glad it’s over!!! My Almost Flawless Tokyo Dream Life looks interesting, going to add it to my TBR πŸ™‚

  14. Oh my gosh on the move. Yikes! But glad you made it and can settle in now! I think this Summer was insane for a lot of people. I’m finally sitting down to do visits for the first time in what seems like ages. Good to just sit isn’t it? lol

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