I’m linking this post to Sunday Post, and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
This year is just kicking my butt. So, I started the month in the hospital. I started to not feel well at work, and thought nothing of it until I got worse as the night progressed. I spent the night in the ER as they tried to bring down the pain and nausea that I was experiencing. In the end, they still weren’t able to figure out what was wrong with me, and thought maybe I just came in contact with some severe stomach bug or something. When I got back to work I realized that others were out from the same symptoms. The last handful of months have been awful at work with everyone getting sick. We’ve had both strands of flu, stomach bugs, phenomia, and just everything and anything come through our offices. I got my flu shot this year, so I was hoping to dodge the bullet this year, but apparently my body wasn’t prepared for the stomach bug that came my way. Needless to say, I don’t ever want to see the inside of the ER again.
Considering how my reading has been previously, I feel like I killed it this month. I really pushed myself to read this month. I used to have so many reviews saved up for later, but lately it’s been a read and post kind of schedule. I really need to sit down and get more books and reviews in because this year is going to be crazy busy. I already have plans to go to Comic-Con, there’s a family vacation planned in Florida, and a couple other side trips scheduled for various work and family events. Basically, I need to start cracking and get some reviews in my reserve.
Read last month

Currently reading
I’m the same way with reviews, I used to have a reserve and now- nope haha. I’m lucky if I can get one out every week or two lol. Sorry to hear about the ER visit! that sounds awful. Hope you’re feeling better now. Spending the night in the ER is definitely no fun.
Yay for Comic con!
Oh wow, being in the ER is not fun for sure. I hope you’re feeling better now, but that’s still so crazy they couldn’t figure out why you were feeling awful.
Yay for a good reading month though. I definitely need to start getting things scheduled ahead on my blog. I have some things written, but there’s still a lot I need to write.
glad to hear you are feeling better. i know people need the money from working, but when they are sick, especially the flu, they need to stay home. i had the flu and ended up in the er a couple of years ago. i just got back to my old weight.
sherry @ fundinmental
I’m sorry that you were so ill. It seems like it has been a bad year for illnesses. I liked Shades of Wicked and Warprize when I read them. Come see my week here. Happy readng!
Hopefully things will be looking up for you and your co workers health wise! Stop by if you get the chance:
Oh man, that sucks about being sick! I’m glad you’re finally feeling better. My kids and I have been sharing the same cold since the beginning of February and I’m just done with runny noses. You did amazing with your reading! I hope you have a great March for reading too. 🙂
I’m glad you recovered, though it’s a little scary that the cause remains uncertain.
I’m 9Now read and post schedule right now too. I’m not finding it easy,
Wishing you a great reading week, and good health.
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were going through all that! I hope you’re on the mend now – especially with all this craziness going on.
I am completely unimpressed with 2020 thus far lol
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
Feb was a good reading month for you!
Sorry to hear you ended up in the ER with a bug though. That kinda sucks. 2020 has been one of those years I wish I could re-set. It’s been horrid. Don’t even start me on the current shenanigans (i.e. global pandemic, lol).
Good luck getting some reviews in the bank!