I’m linking this post to Sunday Post, Mailbox Monday, and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
So this month I fell behind on reading again. I decided to take up pet sitting to help with all the TNR costs. So I’ve been busy doing that, on top of actually doing TNR on the island. However, I’m happy to report that I’ve helped 3 cats this month. Technically four if you count Pip showing up to my house with his face swollen from a snake bite. Thankfully it wasn’t a habu viper, but I had to rush him to the vet and get him treated. He’s doing much better and I hope that he learned his lesson to not mess with the spicy noodles at night.
As for the other three cats, I got Pip’s brother, Cain, TNR’d. I also got two cats from a sister base TNR’d. Those ones were not easy to catch. Two allowed me to pick them up when they got close for the food. The third catch was not so easy. There were two young cats that were in the area and they were weary of the traps. However, after a while they would go in them… and then delicately stepped over the triggering device that activates the trap, and would eat the food. I wound up having to just by the trap quietly, and as one of the cats got comfortable with going in the trap with me nearby, I just slowly placed my finger on the trigger plate to activate the trap. While I caught three cats, unfortunately I realized that one of them was someone’s dumped house cat that was already neutered. So, I let him go, which was not easy to do. It’s so sad that the military members out here dump their animals when they move off the island. I was going to re-catch him at a later date to see if he’s microchipped and try to get the owners for animal abandonment but I was informed that special forces don’t actually pursue those cases. They feel like it’s a waste of their time, so it wouldn’t end up going anywhere. So, I’m trying to just let it go, but it still makes me angry.
I’m trying to look on the positive side of things and tell myself that I TNR’d 3 cats this month. One of which was a female. So, I’m glad that she will no longer have to deal mating or bearing kittens when she’s just a baby herself. I’m hoping to go back out there either this month or next month and try to get more cats from that area. I also have a bunch of cats on my own base that still need to be TNR’d. It’s honestly a bit overwhelming at the amount of cats on this island. But, I’m trying to take it once step at a time and do the most that I can.
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That’s awful when they dump cats like that. You’re doing an amazing though and that’s awesome you were able to help those cats. It must seem overwhelming though, for sure, with ALL those cats out there. but every bit helps…
I’m surprised that they don’t get in trouble for abandoning their cats. I applaud you for what you’re doing though.
Omigosh… I absolutely love what you do for those little guys – they look so sweet! It’s nice to see that there are still incredible people in this world!
On a bookish note, I hope you love your current reads! Have a great week 🙂
Such pretty cats, I hate the meanness that some people show towards animals.
Here is my link:
So sad about the dumped cats! Good for you rescuing them.
Enjoy your books and your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES
You are doing a wonderful thing, maybe you can raise some funding through the base to help?
Wishing you a great reading week
oh wow that is so heartbreaking about what is happening to these cats. Good for you doing this for them. I love seeing your current read though, I adore those historical’s by Maya Banks, they are so fun.
It is awful when people dump pets. It is so good of you to be helping them.
Mostly good looking books. I think bodice ripper covers have gone to naked shoulders and abs on the men. That doesn’t pull me in so much. although sometimes the story is till good.
Have a good week and Happy Reading!
Hope the week goes well with your kitty efforts and happy reading.
You are an angel for TNR feral kitties! My daughter was going to do her Girl Scout Bronze Award project with the Feral Cat Coalition here before Covid happened (now it might be a Silver Award project!)
TNR’ing cats can be an endless task but it really is worth helping as many as you can.
I think I told you before but I lived out in farm country and worked at a no kill shelter and I had a list of of over 200 cats waiting to get in to a 20 cat shelter. I did what I could to get them spayed and neutered in the meantime but the magnitude of it can wear you down.
Then surprisingly in FL, we lived next to the vet school and the students both rescue then abandon a lot of dogs there.
My reading is next to 0 right now. I just can’t get in the mood.
Karen @For What It’s Worth