These Months Just Keep Flying By

I’m linking this post to Sunday Post, Mailbox Monday, and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Oh my goodness, guys. I’m so sorry that I haven’t been active for the month. I have been super busy. While I haven’t done any TNR this month, I did end up rescuing a kitten. I went to a location where there are a lot of cats to see how many were not fixed. While looking around, I found this kitten walking down the road by itself. When I got close to her, I realized that she was in rough shape. She was emaciated and had goop coming out of her nose and eyes. I snatched her up, got her settled at the house and got her to the vet. Which is when I found out she was full of worms, anemic (because of the worms), behind on development because she has the body of a 2 month old but her teeth are that of a 6 month old. She has an upper respiratory infection, and a cataract on her eye. So she has a while until she’s back to full health, but every day she looks/sounds a little better. My goal is to get her healed up and then find her a forever home. If you’re wondering, I names her Nezuko. Mainly because when I grabbed her, I put her in a little box so that I could drive back to the house, and she just sat in the box like the anime character.


This upcoming month is going to be a little crazy. A couple of friends and I have tickets to do TNR for this month. So we plan to go back to the place where I got Nezuko to try to catch as many cats as we can. So cross your fingers for us. The problem won’t be catching cats, the problem is going to be catching cats that aren’t already fixed. So we are going to have our work cut out for us. The moment you get out of your vehicle, cats come out of everywhere looking for food. They even followed us down the street when we walked around to try to get a head count on how many still need to be fixed. It was insane and unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before.

As always, while I may not be overly active on the blog itself, I do try to update what’s going on via Instagram. So, it’s always best to reach me there. However, I’m going to really try hard this month to sit down and read, and do more blogging. But at this point, and I won’t lie, I am starting to feel like a broken record.


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7 Thoughts on “These Months Just Keep Flying By

  1. So nice that you are helping to rescue cats.
    I like the looks of The Love Hypothesis. I hope you are enjoying it.
    I find myself listening to 10 books to reading 1 or 2 per month. It is so much easier to listen while doing other things.
    I hope you have a good month in November. Happy Reading!

  2. Oh my what a huge job with those cats. That little black cat is so lucky to have such a caring person as yourself to take up its case for it.

    • Thank you. It’s a lot of work… and money, but I just can’t sit by and do nothing. I’m hoping that as I continue doing TNR, it will raise awareness and get more people involved.

  3. I hope a forever home is found very soon for the adorable Nezuko.

  4. Enjoy your week and your books.

  5. Do they ear tip them out there after TNR? They didn’t yet back when I was rescuing strays and you didn’t know until you grabbed them and sometimes (with the females) not until they went to the vet.

    Good luck with that big round up!

    I loved The Love Hypothesis so I hope it’s a winner for you too.

    Karen @For What It’s Worth

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