We made it to May. Now what?

I’m linking this post to Sunday Post, and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


I hope that everyone is having a relaxing Sunday. This last month was a tough one for me. I found myself under a lot of stress with work. My job doesn’t really translate into a teleworking gig. So, the abrupt change and lack of guidance from the uppers has left a lot of my coworkers, and myself, beyond stressed out. I wish I could be one of those people who are taking this time to be productive and/or using this time to get a little r&r in. I honestly thought I would get so much accomplished with all the time spent at home. However, that clearly hasn’t been the case.

I did manage to get some reading in this month. My reading still isn’t where I want it to be, but I feel like it is slowly picking up.


Currently reading


Currently listening to


Read last month



For review



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8 Thoughts on “We made it to May. Now what?

  1. Sorry about the job stress. I also haven’t had a productive lockdown. I’ve been reading books, watching TV, and panicking. That’s pretty much it.

  2. Yes I think this past month has been rough on every one…but with summer upon us I have a feeling things are going to get better. I hope so anyway. 🙂 Hope your reading improves and you grab up some great books this month.

  3. My reading has been down and here I thought with lockdown I’d read MORE. That certainly hasn’t happened lol. Sorry to hear about the work stuff. that can be tough for sure especially when your job doesn’t translate well to work from home.

    Love that cover of the immortal Rules!

  4. Despite having time, my reading has gone downhill lately too. Hope this week is better for you. Enjoy your newbies

  5. Kathy Martin on 4 May, 2020 at 1:40 pm said:

    I’m sorry your work has been so stressful. I hope things get better soon. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  6. Ah its tough trying to work with not any guidance. I don’t work so that hasn’t been an issue for me but I get how it could be. I haven’t read Hannah Howell for a very long time but loved her Scottish highland time travel romances. Take care. Hang in there with those numerous dishes!!

  7. My reading habits aren’t normal right now either. Working from home (I’m a librarian) involves all day on the computer now, and that seems more exhausting than working some days. So much emailing and videoconferencing, so little productivity.

  8. The past month has been super tough all round, I think… I’m struggling to accept that it’s been TWO MONTHS since we began working from home and the whole lockdown schtick. I thought I’d get so much more accomplished too but it’s been a struggle just to get dressed and shower most days. 🙁

    I hope you enjoy Three Mages and a Margarita! I absolutely love that series (and the Demonized sister series). 🙂

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